Is Lay on Hands bugged?


Ive noticed Lay on Hands not healing. Ill cast it on an ally, it will go on cd, but i dont see a heal.

When i check details, it says LoH was cast but healed for 0. Any ideas?

I thought it may have self target but i dont have forebarance. Didnt get a chance to check if target had forebarance.

Without more information this is really hard to answer. I have never had this happen do me.

Was this a one-time deal, or are you seeing it repeatedly?

Were you using a mouseover macro and is it possible you cast it on the wrong person? (I’ve done this with cleanse more times than I will ever admit)

Did they have a giant heal absorb?

Was this in pvp or pve?

Was the player getting hammered on when you cast it? Its possible the heal went through but immediately got negated by another damage instance.

Were they failing a mechanic that does more damage than LoH could heal? I have been hit for double my health pool by mechanics this expansion.

PVE. Observed this issue multiple times. No heal absorb. I use cell for all my click to cast.

It did cast and did zero healing. Details has an entry of lay on hands and has a 0 next to it.