Is ladder still that deflated?

If 1800 is 86.4% percentile only like 13.6% of Shuffle characters have gotten their elite mogs. I’m sure some of this is influenced by people who did 1 or 2 matches of Shuffle on a few characters and then stop Qing or picked 1 to play (like me) but the amount of players with 18hundo mogs is massively surprising for what is supposed to be an award for average players.

Is it really that hard for average players to climb? If so it just suggests Blizzard needs to detach rewards from CR and move them into %s of your spec or even flat out participation. You can’t have a healthy, popular rated community of just elite players, because most players aren’t elite. Average and bad players need incentives they can accomplish too.


40,000 characters above 1800 doesn’t seem that bad? Starter mmr is 1650. Most people that actually try will get 1800

From what I have seen playing alts,
1600-1800 bracket is mostly just casual players that are still learning the basics of arena


Depends in relation to what? I’d say this season is about average, unless you play DH which is pretty easy to get rating on for the most part.

Depends on how you view % based rewards, and what’s the number of players playing.

If there’s 40,000 characters* playing.

5% of 40,000 = 2,000.

Shows there’s 2,126 characters* above 2400.

40,000 characters * playing

1% = rank1
5% = elite
10% = duelist
20% = rival
40% = enter the arena

then yea, it’s working as intended.

In order to say if it is working or not, you have to list your:

  • Total number of characters playing.
  • what the % base for each reward should be.

If you think more than 10% should be Duelist, then it’s not working, etc…

i honestly hate this mmr system. i hate being above average one season, then being drastically below average another season, like am i a below average player? am i an above average player? who knows anymore. ive gotten 2100 in shuffle this season on two characters but according to some twitch strummers 2100 is considered below average in shuffle but not in 2s or 3s so who knows anymore

Old rival was around 10% of the ladder.

Old elites were 2k.

This makes sense imo.

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I mean i think more than 10% should be. Its a little too exclusive imo.

Old duelist was 3%.

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Yes you are.

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This is my own experiences from S1, S2, and S3 so far.

This season has been much more of a struggle (see my earlier post today re: Tol’viron arena positioning) than previously in S1 and S2 of Dragonflight. Whether it’s not the same number of people queueing as before, or deflation, the meta, or facing just better people at all levels, I can’t be sure.

But in terms of things I can control, like addons, if anything I’ve added things that should be making it easier. I have a WA that puts giant icons on totems to help me spot and stomp them better. Another on Observers and Psyfiends to alert me when they’re up. Also another to alert me when my healer is in CC. And redoing my Omnibar so things aren’t so jumbled.

Still the game feels much harder atm. But I really want to complete the Elite tmog set so I guess I’ll just keep grinding until I do.

Yeah, which is the crux of the Arena Forums and having a discussion about this. :smiley:

The numbers of active characters eligible for rewards have to be more transparent on Blizzard’s part, but again, % based means nothing without total number of participation.

A lot of players will remark that too many people got Gladiator in SL S2, so the mount means “nothing.”

However, if I were to say 150,000 characters were eligible for rewards that season because it was the most played Arena Season in 2 expansions, then the ~7500 who got it would be justified.

5% of 150,000 = 7,500.

You have to have both parts for it to hold merit:

  • total # playing
  • % based (or amount) that should get x reward

The same people that say “5% is 5%, no matter the population” will be the same people that say “5% is too high when 100,000 are playing.” >.>

5% is too high.


To put it in perspective:

Old duelist was 3% of the ladder.

Old gladiator was .5% of the ladder.

Wanting gladiator mounts to be 5% of the ladder means it’s 100x easier than the previous system’s gladiator & easier to achieve than previous duelist titles; don’t think that was the intention when they introduced it.


Well the % is relative to your goals, if you are trying to sell video games and increase participation, than maybe not? Honestly, it doesn’t matter to me.

But the point is just to show the good and bad to having % based rewards.

2% of 12,000 = 240 – that’s too low?
2% of 220,000 = 4,400 – that’s too high?

I’m just saying, without trying to start an internet argument, most players want the numbers to fit their narrative they won’t consider number of players playing and how that effects % based rewards.

You just see 4,400 people have Gladiator and go “that’s too high.”

No I don’t, I see how many ppl are 2400 and I look at R1 cutoff to see what the % approximately is. It was far too high in SL S2.

You’re not bad big doze. Keep trucking.

I understand its subjective, but again, the % is based off a particular goal. You claiming it was far too high fits your narrative, while someone else could say it was just right, or someone else saying it was far too low, right?

Again, not trying to start an argument, just saying these things need to be taken into consideration instead of just saying .5% and that’s that.

In a hypothetical situation, we agreed on 5% to increase participation numbers. And then it’s revealed 60,000 characters are playing.

  • 5% of 60,000 = 3000

Can’t just say “wait 5% is now too high, drop that to 2%.”

Okay, less people are playing because its “harder,” population drops, now its 40,000.

  • 2% of 40,000 = 800

Now that’s too low. Do we bump it back to 5%? How do you swing it from Season to Season? It’s a convoluted situation is all.

Rank 1 in Shadowlands Season 2:

There shouldn’t be a 1,000 rating gap between Gladiator & Rank 1; that’s ridiculous.

You’re basically asking for players to be rewarded for lower participation, why should that happen?

5% of the ladder pre-BfA would have been between Duelist & Rival.

Gladiator should be some-what prestigous; it’s the 2nd hardest PvP title to obtain in the game & the PvP mount to obtain.


I’m not saying it should be any %, I’m just using 5% for simple maths.

I’m just showing that a set % based number is going to vary based off participation numbers.

Season 1:

  • 1% of 60,000 = 600

Season 2:

  • 1% of 260,000 = 2,600

Season 3

  • 1% of 26,000 = 260

That’s a huge swing of “Gladiators” when you live by the “1% is 1% no matter what.” You have to take the good with the bad, even if that means what feels like a repeat of SL Season2.

“Everyone got gladiator in Season2, it means nothing!!!”

Well that’s because there was a lot more people playing.

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There’s a healthy middle ground, rank 1 & gladiator shouldn’t be a 1000 rating difference; to put it in perspective, Combatant I & Elite are also a 1000 rating difference.

That’s a huge skill gap, the Gladiator title & mount aren’t supposed to be as sweaty as rank 1 but it should still be more difficult than you’d like.

You want SL S2 levels of inflation? That’s fine but have the titles scale with the ladder so it doesn’t become a participation trophy.