I listed multiple expacs as examples, including BfA which was not 14 years ago. But it is nice how you try to portray something different.
Thanks for providing a nice example of how you just find some reason to disregard any evidence you don’t like.
And here is is both a good example of just straight false statements.
Legion had 7 zones.
Azsuna: Neither faction had any notable story.
Val’sharah: Both present, but leaned pretty Alliance.
Highmountain: Heavily Horde
Stormheim: Equal Horde and Alliance
Broken Shore: Equal
Suramar: Horde story
Argus: Mostly Alliance
Overall pretty comparable.
SL had very little faction story.
Most of what was there was in Ardeanweald. Which was split pretty equally between factions. I am guessing you missed the Bwomsamdi and Tauren story there. Maybe you should go check that out.
Beyond that there was a lot revealed for the Forsaken and their history in Maldraxxas. With little to no Alliance presence there. Even Bastion had a bit for the Forsaken with Uther (from Lordaeron home of the Forsaken).
Even Revendreth which had hardly any faction stuff had connections to both the Blood Elves (Kael’thas) and Garrosh.
But, let me guess: You don’t think any of that counts because…reasons.
This is pretty much the pattern for people like you. You make blanket, demonstrably false statements, then when evidence is produced you will say it doesn’t count so you can continue the false narrative. Go ahead, invent a reason.
And regarding TWW. The Horde was hardly present in the FIRST PATCH. That is all we have.
And notably, Blizzard has promised the content will be balanced between factions. Something they have said no to in the past when asked about imbalance in content.* So there is every reason to believe it will be. So, stop trying to play the victim over it.
*Note: In both the extra Horde only patch in MoP and the extra cinematics and quest lines in BfA players asked Blizzard if they were going to release Alliance content to balance it and they said no both time. If they can and are willing to say no, then when they say yes they will, chances are they intend to balance the content.
Not YET. The expac just started. Blizzard promised Horde will be getting content. And if you are even paying a little attention to clues in game and in data mining, the next patch is likely going to be heavily, if not entirely, Horde story. So, the first patch is not equal. BUT IT IS ONLY THE FIRST PATCH.
And, like I mentioned. Blizzard has proven they can and will say no when they do not intend to balance the content. There is every reason to believe Horde will get comparable content.
So, I am done with you. Feel free to rant about how something doesn’t count because you think it was to long ago, you thought it was bad, didn’t have a giant ‘This is Horde’ sign flashing over it, etc., etc. You will just prove the point.