YOU are the one who baselessly accused me of not playing m+ as affliction when the FACTS are that YOU are the one who doesn’t really play and doesn’t know what you are talking about, YOU wanted to get into a e-peen waving contest not me, also I have 3 CE thank you very much, I simply asked the same 10 people to not post the same “RAPTURE BAD MKAY” feedback constantly in every thread for the entire expansion. Especially when the vast majority of them don’t really play or understand the spec at all.
That’s what I said, that doesn’t sound like some condescending assumption to me, it sounds like someone saying maybe you don’t do M+ on this character, because a lot of people have more than 1 of the same class. You were the one who was attacking people because you don’t think they know what they are talking about.
And if you look in my feats, I have Aotcs, it just wasn’t on this Warlock.
No one is saying Malefic Rapture is hard so what are you really talking about? You’ve contributed nothing to this conversation other than spread your own misery.
The basis is Malefic Rapture is clunky and unfun and there’s a bunch of people who would like to see another option for a soul spender. Malefic Rapture being an issue is constant like you say and this thread alone has a bunch of replies against its current playstyle.
If you like malefic rapture then fine, as of now you have the playstyle you love so much but for some of us two expansions of this is a bummer.
Maybe drain soul can proc MR randomly.
They added a Passive option for havoc to destro. There could be a passive option for MR, rewarding less than optimal play for the same benefits that MR provides.
MR is very beneficial to the spec even if it feels clunky to cast.
Or drain soul could include the MR functionality in its cast, over time of the channel instead of instantly. Again, for suboptimal play for those that do not enjoy the MR windows.
Overall my issue with MR is how it over laps with the more traditional fillers of the spec. In single target and AoE basically lessening/removing the core identities of the other spells or not cementing its own spell identity.
Example of a clear identity would be something like this.
Shadowbolt/Drain Soul should be the single target filler
MR - should be 2 Target/ spread cleave/ priority add burst
Seed of Corruption should be 3+ Target Stacked AOE
But right now its basically MR over everything in all situations cause of its tuning
and current design.
I believe this occurs because it lacks a dot count cap for its damage
This same lack of dot count cap also causes burst windows to exists for a spec that for a long time did not have them. (with the addition of PS and Soul Rot)
(2 different types of players - some like this, some don’t) Personally I don’t
While in DF they added death blossom and dread touch which step MR in the right direction due to buffing dots or adding splash aoe damage. it does not resolve the core issue.
Example of blizzard seeing a similar issue and resolving it is how they adjusted base line filler damage - due to excessive damage buff stacking
in DF - they put a dot count cap on withering bolt and tuned up the base damage of SB and DS to compensate to remove the large amount of stacking damage buffs on the filler spells
the same could be done to MR with a dot count cap
This would help MR to be a better single target dot buff button with less damage coming from it.
Dread touch could be adjusted to compensate, increase the duration and the dot Buff % to match the damage removed.
Death Blossom could also be adjusted up - proc damage and proc rate%
these changes make it so its less about spamming rapture on single target and more about consistent damage due to the buffs on the dots effects.
Soul Rot and Phantom Singularity would no longer create damage windows as they exceed the dot cap for both MR and Withering bolt.
allowing them to be casted on CD or for situational usage for AOE, instead of holding and stacking for rapture windows on single target.
Consistent damage over time
MR could remain the burst damage choice for priority adds due to its quick cast time and faster delivery of damage over shadow bolt/Drain soul fillers.
MR would remain the choice for 2 target cleave or spread target as it hits multiple targets. but would not over power Seed on stacked aoe with a dot cap
it makes it so that shards are used as maintenance for the dot buff talents or you can stack them for situational priority add burst on fights (if needed)
But overall far less rapture damage and more about what rapture does to help the rest of your damage.
Obviously tuning would have to be done to all spells of the spec to compensate for the damage difference due to this change but its not impossible
This will leave affs core playstyle’s similar but less MR Spammy and closer to its roots.
which seems like what some people want.
not saying its perfect either, just an idea and a pseudo middle ground. as you still have MR and it allows for the burst add damage and AFF never had till it.
You mean people who play this game literally just for numbers have swapped. The 10 people who play Aff because they enjoy it haven’t swapped? But cool beans.
Why do people think “you don’t know how to play the spec, therefore you cry about it because you’re bad.” etc.
I didn’t go to university to study the weather. Does that mean you can’t say “it’s sunny outside” when it’s sunny? No. What garbage thinking and nonsense that line of thinking is lol.
Where did you get that from? I’m quite confused for this transitional thought.
Cool, nobody cares who understands it better than who else. Want a cookie?
Indeed! I agree with this.
I consider those who play only for the damage numbers and not the feeling of the spec, to be garbage takes, too. Doesn’t mean I won’t hear what they have to say.
I can’t actually tell what the goal for this line was. Were you being serious or a jerk? I don’t try to be a jerk to people right away, but I don’t mind being a jerk to those who actually are one first, like you were earlier.
Congrats, it’s my favorite too. Even when it’s hot garbage in damage numbers I will still play it. If I’m not playing Aff then that means I either quit the expac, like I did in BFA, or real life happened. That’s about the only time I won’t play Aff.
Tuning/numbers wise you’re correct. Feeling wise, you’re incorrect. It’s hot garbage feeling wise, which is what I was meaning when I said that. The reasoning is; they’re trying to please both parties that want different things from Aff, and in doing so made it more miserable than it would be if they went with 1 side or the other side.
It would only be well designed to those who want burst, and to those who want to go against what a DoT spec should be, regardless of whether or not they fit into the meta, into mythic+, into current game design. DoT specs should not actually be about burst, that literally goes against “over time” in a “damage over time” profile. Burst is not something that happens over time, it’s front loaded right away. So saying Affliction is a Damage over Time damage profile, yet it being a burst profile, is quite contradictory to what should be a DoT based profile. This goes against what attracts people to it in the first place.
No, it’s not relatively well designed. Yes, it’s very contradictory to its design, and this is for mythic+ and mythic raid teams, instead of blizzard just actually designing mythic raids better to better incorporate the Damage over Time profile specs or the very nature of mythic+ itself, which again goes against DoT specs.
DoTs aren’t overpowered other than providing mobility, but the tradeoff for said mobility is that you don’t do direct damage right away. There’s always a plus and a minus, to literally everything.
Also, Legion Aff was broken in numbers, which was a tuning issue. It was not broken with how the spec played, only with the numbers it did. Also into Legion Affliction, 2 weeks before Legion launched blizzard felt the need to redesign the way their artifact weapon worked. This borked the way it interacted, which borked Aff to being literally 3rd worst DPS spec in the game for the first two raids. Only in NH, when they changed it so “every kill, as long as you did some damage to the mob, counts as a ‘I got the killing blow’ mob”, then it was broken in the entire opposite direction from worst 3 to best 1. They nerfed it because they got scared and didn’t understand how or why it was broken. What made Aff broken, numbers wise, was 75 different modifiers all giving %damage increases, being doubled for 90-99% of the whole dungeon or raid fights.
They are not when you add damage reduction modifiers beyond X targets. An example we discussed before:
“Corruption deals 20% reduced damage beyond 2 targets. Corruption deals 15% further reduced damage beyond 6 targets. Corruption deals an additional 15% reduced damage beyond 10 targets.” Do you know how much more balanced that makes DoTs? Incredibly more, since they will always be up or should always be up, they won’t scale so absurdly high.
Legion had hardly any CDs, actually. Your doomguard was perma, because everyone took the talent to make it a perma pet, therefore you never had to use that CD. Your CD was Soul Harvest and Weapon. Once you had 3 charges of stacks of the harvester, you could easily proc more stacks in those 15 seconds, so you would use it then, and keep it buffed through the entire rest of the fight. If it was a raid fight with adds, the moment those adds died your ability never fell off of you. So you had 1 CD then to learn to use, Soul Harvest. That CD was actually very good.
I wasn’t referring to numbers, I was referring to the rotation and how good the spec felt to play. Rapid Contagion completes the “rot” style feeling, which makes it a near perfect spec, again thematically speaking here. I never care for numbers, don’t give 2 pennies about how or who or what damage numbers people or things pull. Ego trip out the door there, get out. I care about how the specs feel to play, and that comes from thematics, fantasy, gameplay rotation, simplicity/complexity, and other feelycraft stuff you won’t actually find in numbers.
No, it’s not. Go ask Publik from spriest community, ask Feral Druid guy, ask literally any DoT spec person who wants the rot style DoT spec playstyle that DoT spec damage profiles should actually have. No DoT specs truly exist in this game currently. They will all tell you the same thing, they do not exist. I don’t mean literally and I don’t mean in the sense of “But your damage is 70% DoTs when you add up all 15 DoTs” I mean go back to BC, go back to WotLK, go back to Legion, go look at your damage profile breakdowns for all DoT specs. Go back to MoP, to WoD, even. Go look at the damage breakdown profiles. Those are DoT specs, this is not. Those are more rot styled DoT specs, and they were all more popular versions of the game with more iterations of people loving each and every one of those over BFA and over SL.
Malefic Rapture is not thematic to this damage profile in anything except “it deals damage based on the number of DoTs” - it and of itself is not a DoT.
Drain Soul, a filler, doing more damage than most of your abilities, is not a good feeling at all to the spec. It’s a filler, not a main damage component. Rapid Contagion fits thematically with the spec, but not with the damage profile. It’s a more fun way for “burst” to exist, even though in a DoT spec burst should actually not exist, at all.
Shadow Bolt is not thematic to the spec, it’s a direct damage spell. Drain Soul fits as a perfect filler, but again it’s a filler which means it should not be doing mega damage like it does with Withering Bolt.
Don’t need CDs for a rot profile, yet you still have CDs. Blizzard can easily design a fight for rot type specs and make it fine in mythic raiding very easily. Instead of requiring the raid group to kill that bat in 6 seconds or you die, they design it so it takes 15 seconds, 20 seconds even. This is a very long time so DoTs can still tick away many times and it’s still a short amount of time that it actually functions as an emergency swap kill target, too.
The vast majority of them do understand the spec, they don’t play at high end level but why do you think you need to play at a high end level in order to get changes made or discuss something?
Do I need a college degree to tell someone what the weather is going to be? The answer is obivously not. It’s the same for this, too. You don’t need to do high end content to understand how a spec operates. Plenty of youtube videos, wowhead guides n articles, icy veins and 15 other websites probably who would happily tell you how to play the spec. We even have Kalamazi’s website, too. Again, you don’t need a degree to tell people what’s wrong, much the same nonsense as to you not needing to do cutting edge content in order to claim a spec is good or bad. That doesn’t matter.
But it’s not, it’s only beneficial in terms of numbers, which is a tuning thing. Rapid Contagion fills the same spot in less buttons to be used since it’s not something you just spam 15 times n done.
Affliction and other DoT specs should not be centered around damage windows. That promotes burst and goes against the nature of the spec of “damage over time” profile. “time” is the most important thing here, and instantly or bursting, is not something that goes along with it. This is a big issue I have with this spec, and yes I understand fully that “the game is not designed around that anymore” I get it, but that does not matter. Why? Because if you’re gonna claim DoT specs are DoT specs, there should not be burst in them. That’s not how the damage profile works. Burst is instant damage it’s frontloaded damage, it’s not damage over time. The tradeoff you make when choosing “damage over time” is you trade away your burst for more damage that’s spread out over time. The tradeoff for burst is that you trade off your damage over time for instant damage or frontloaded damage. These 2 damage profiles are 2 opposing sides to the same coin. They compliment one another, but they both have very real very different strengths and weaknesses, as should be the case and have been the case for this spec and other DoT specs including Spriest, Feral, Boomie(I think), Assassination, Restoration Druid, and I think that’s it? There might be 1 or 2 more I’m missing. Unholy DK used to be about DoTs. I think they made that more pet based or something now, not sure or maybe I’m backwards for UH DK. Either way, the rot damage profile was a very real thing for a long time with a lot of expansions. They slowly chipped away at it and then I think it was BFA they did away with most of those and neutered DoT specs entirely.
Yes, it’s a stepping stone. It’s not there, it’s just a step better, or maybe 4 steps better really, but it’s still not tackling the issue at its core.
Something you put on your resume to score job interviews
100% part of the problem.
Look at the title of his last video. If that’s not for clickbait I’m not sure what is.
I just left a comment on his video saying he should head over here and take some feedback from the community rather than essentially what I feel designing a class that he enjoys and just band aid fixes are applied to fix affliction rather than addressing the core issues with the spec.
Video was titled “You Simply CANNOT Kill A Warlock In Dragonflight…”
Proceeding to make clickbait topics, Absurd claims about the state of pvp balance and it being broken already when he’s not even a pvper and barely touched on other classes nor their damage output and utility to shut down a warlock.
if you came here to complain about the fact he mentioned pvp for quite literally 1 sentence as a reference to the absurdity 220k absorb plus a 40% DR, you are the walking definition of AKSHUALLLY and you gotta chill.
secondly, that is a clip channel. not a main channel. this is something we discussed on stream, it is not a full fledged video, just a rip from the stream.
thirdly - for the other like 3:00 of the 3:09 video where pvp isnt being mentioned, hes right. warlock can face tank anything that is not a guaranteed one shot right now in PVE content. we were literally standing in smashes on raid testing for fun
Wait HUH!!!
A little late on the reply there!
I guess you switched to the Necromancer spec resurrecting this 2 year old post!
I got jokes!