No one forces you to click into threads about MR and read them you know. If people don’t like something they have the right to voice their opinions during a time in the game where devs could potentially hear their voices.
Affliction has had major revamps every expansion since MoP and MR is the dullest of its iterations.
It is still phantom singularity and soul rot that are causing the damage windows. I maintain that blizz should replace PS with scouring tithe (or hell, put siphon life there) so that there is a baseline constant damage option with the ability to talent into soul rot if you want damage windows.
like half the threads and posts in this forum is the same 10 people repeating the same thing over and over, legion aff is gone and its never coming back, you just want to play a spec that takes 10 brain cells and is unkillable and is clearly broken, no one is forcing you to go into every single thread and vomit the same thing over and over again
You realize there’s only like 10 people left who even play the spec, correct? The numbers of people playing Affliction, regardless of its bad state, is even less than those playing Feral Druid.
Of course it’s gonna be the same people, because barely anyone actually plays the spec regardless of how well or bad it is in performance and thematics.
Never say never. I learned something a while back, they change things time n time again. For instance, They’ve changed Affliction’s gameplay literally every expansion since Warlords of Draenor, maybe even MoP I guess really.
Every single expansion has had a different iteration in one way or another. Also, did you know that the way you play mythic+ with seeds spam, is just about exactly how it was in Legion? Minus a change like MR instead of UA stacking, but, seed spam was actually how you did mythic+ in Legion for anything below a 20 key. Above 20, they lived long enough for DoTs to do damage so you actually got to play Aff then.
Why do you guys keep trying to insist on complicated specs? Go play Feral, go play Demo or Destro if you want complicated things. Stop trying to make DoT specs more complex. The entire reason most players are drawn to them, or were at the time, was because of their simplicity. Their “10 brain cells” gameplay back in previous expansions, was exactly what drew so many people into wanting to play the spec. I think wanting it to go back to its roots is not a bad thing at all.
Cool, and nobody forced you into vomiting this, either, yet here you are vomiting it as well.
The reason isn’t because people don’t like playing affliction it’s because demonology is the best spec in the entire game and its not even close, why would you play affliction when you could play a spec that is easier to play and does way more damage
And yet they haven’t gone back to legion affliction really makes you think, the spec isn’t even that far off of legion affliction you guys just have an irrational hatred for MR
if you think that destro or demo are complicated I don’t even know what to say other than that I was right, you just want to press 4 buttons stand still and everything dies with you on top of the dps meter, current affliction isn’t even that complicated, you put up your dots, ps/soulrot darkglare and rapture then drain soul its really not that complicated, secondly destro is like one of the easiest specs in the game its perfect for you.
i have posted less than 10 times on this forum ever, you have over 1800 posts and the other guy has over 400, you both are like combined half the posts on the last 5 threads that i have read please don’t pretend that i’m “vomiting” on this forum
affliction is plenty enjoyable in m+ its almost the exact same spec as legion affliction in aoe you just put up agony and spam seed, also blizzard clearly knows what they want to do with the spec you just don’t agree with it for some reason, it looks to be even better in dragonflight, secondly you probably shouldn’t condescendingly suggest that I don’t know what I am talking about.
What’s exhausting is people on the forums not being able to have a civil conversation. Everyone’s personal preferences mean discussions are rarely going to change anyone’s mind, but making disparaging comments adds nothing to the forums but toxicity and provides the developers with zero usable information.
If you like MR, then that’s fantastic and I’m happy for you. Tell us what you like about it so we can talk about its pros and cons. Retreading the same ground can definitely be tedious, but these are forums not live conversations, that’s just how it goes.
Its for sure better in that regard going into DF - mythic plus and
the vile taint changes are nice.
Single target on the other hand not so sure about, the current possibly bugged dread touch 6 sec maintence rotation is almost as bad as the SL malefic wrath rotation.
So many globals spent on MR.
So you’re saying it is unsatisfying to play Affliction. Interesting, who could have predicted that because the theme of the spec is trash this expac, people would not be having fun with it.
What do you mean? You literally play Mythic+ the same way you did in Legion, with many people doing StS pending the dungeon and mob density.
Do you understand how Legion Affliction played? If you think SL is anywhere close to it in raiding/pvp, you’re entirely wrong. Literally dead wrong here. Outside of the extremely general style of “Put up DoTs, drain” kinda thing, which was all you did in Legion outside of mythic+ and keys below key level 20, you’d be missing many differences.
So you do think in terms of general put dots up and nothing else kinda thing. Now I can see why you think it’s the same. Going based off of that thinking and logic, every dps is literally the same. You just press buttons and do stuff. Same logic, right? So nobody should ever feel bad or mad about playing any spec, correct?
Ah, so I thought vomiting was just a way of saying hot garbage, but who knew it was only word count or post count. Fair enough, then yep I vomit since I enjoy discussions on forums regardless of how good or bad they sound or seem. Even this conversation with you is pretty good in my book.
Nevertheless, no, Legion Aff was entirely different from SL and BFA Aff. It needs to come back and no, some people want the numbers for it to be broken. I couldn’t care about the numbers, hence I play Affliction even when it was literally worse than garbage numbers wise. I love the spec in and of itself, I just don’t enjoy the way the devs think or design things nor a lot of their decisions. The older devs, before the new ones got there, had a good sense of thematics and direction, fantasy fit together. The new staff, they’re listening now but BFA and SL’s direction were very bad, actually.
Also, in Legion the playstyle itself wasn’t broken. In fact, if we discount the numbers, that playstyle was almost perfect and very fitting for a “damage over time” spec. Again, people keep thinking about this like it’s only numbers or like it’s gotta be complicated. Many people were drawn to DoT specs for their simplicity style and their non bursty playstyles. Non burst does not fit into mythic+, which is why I usually don’t try to design for mythic+. They could, however, fit that niche in with Rapid Contagion and looky looky, burst that’s easily done with DoTs.
Nonetheless, they keep choosing to try and go down a road a lot of individuals like myself, don’t enjoy. Why? Because this is not how DoT specs should work, nor how they should operate. It is not how the theme nor fantasy of a “damage over time” profile should operate, either. Going against this “theme” profile runs counter productive and counter intuitive to the damage profile type.
Thematics matter, and people often don’t take this into account, especially the higher the skill level you achieve. You think more in terms of numbers, then and output and it all becomes the same. The method doesn’t matter, only the results.
This is not how many casuals, nor many other players play, actually. To many of us, it’s a “feelycraft” game where how the spec makes us feel is actually what matters most. If the spec doesn’t feel right, which is why thematics matter, then the spec isn’t fun. The only savings grace, then, would be to make it do good damage and then people would still play it. However, even then it’s still like “Why bother playing this spec, which feels like garbage gameplay wise, when I can do the same or better on a spec that feels much better to play.”
Feelycraft matters so when a spec doesn’t feel good, meaning its rotation, its damage profile, damage type, etc. all of this doesn’t fit neatly into a good package, then it doesn’t sit well and a lot of people find other specs or classes to play, instead.
DF is a much better version than SL, yeah. Like, 10 fold better. Feels much better, looks much better, it’s still got a problem but eh, it’s a stepping stone in the better direction.
I agree, and most of the time I see people just enjoying either flashier things that I don’t think need to be in DoT specs, so I disagree with them on that, or things like “it does good damage” meaning a numbers discussion, meaning a tuning issue and nothing more.
i can’t tell if you are being intentionally obtuse or just incapable of reading, if they increased the damage of current affliction by 50% everyone would be playing it instead of demonology, the playstyle of affliction is perfectly fine the way it is and people don’t play it because it has been undertuned since 9.0 mostly because people like you cry about MR instead of learning how to actually play the spec
I didn’t realize that mythic+ is the only part of the game, I guess you just spam seed in every situation?
I understand the class in both expansions much better than you do I promise
yeah that’s what I said every single class and spec is the same because you press buttons!
yeah I consider posting the same feedback on every single thread over and over to be pretty garbage.
that’s just like your opinion man
i’m sorry to hear that but affliction is my favorite spec and its really not as bad as you think it is, current affliction is relatively well designed and dragonflight affliction looks to be even better assuming they fix all the bugs.
no offense my guy but as someone who plays the game at a relatively high level legion affliction playstyle was broken that’s why they nerfed every dot spec, dots are just overpowered if they are allowed to be the main way you do damage, just because you can’t figure out how to make it broken doesn’t mean that it wasn’t broken.
all 3 warlock specs are less bursty in dragonflight and legion affliction was plenty bursty you just don’t understand how to use your cooldowns properly
I don’t even know what you are talking about affliction has been great in m+ for most of the expansion, rapid contagion wouldn’t change anything
Current affliction is a dot spec its just not as broken as you want it to be, I’m sorry that you just want to put up agony and corruption and have it do 50% of your damage
current affliction is thematic why do you keep saying its not
You don’t need to get defensive, your armory shows no keys done this season, last season is different, BFA is different. One, calm down, two, enjoyment has variables, why is Aff the least represented spec? It puts up respectable numbers in keys, raid, I have no idea, I stopped raiding after Nathria. So if it’s not a numbers game, than why is there such a discrepancy between the specs, and not even just Warlock specs, it’s pretty much bottom dps for representation.
this is my main, i have done almost 200 keys this expansion and i stopped playing after getting CE in sanctum, you never got aotc in nathria and have a average parse of 48.4, for reference my cutting edge warlock has a 99.5 average parse in heroic nathria, your highest key in season 1 was a + 11, mine was a +21 and i don’t even do that much m+, you did a grand total of like 30 m+ keys in season 1 and i did over 90 +15s alone in season 1 most of those were affliction, i know you want to get into a e-peen measuring contest on the internet but you really shouldn’t
See you’re what’s wrong with humanity. You call people out, and than when challenged go to attacking. You have 2 CE achievements and think you are something amazing?
I’m not talking about myself, you brought up you are a high end player, with 2 CE. I don’t need to defend anything. You attack regular posters of the sub and get angry when called out.