Is it wrong to mog Tusks of Mannoroth on a human? Asking for a friend

Topic. How much of a faux pas is it to mog those shoulders on a human.

Again, asking for a friend.


They are a trophy from the greatest victory in alliance history which was led by the human king. Rock them tusks, human friend.

Wait… they’re warrior specific right? Better not be any paly or DK wearing them, regardless of race.

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Is it even possible? lmao

I mean I use Blade Fist, well I did on my NE.

I wish Alliance could use Guldans staff though, its so cool!

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First of all, how dare you.


No. That is a blasphemous act against Grommash’s legacy.

I thought you were contractually obligated to roll a mag’har with heritage armor once you obtained tusks.

Like, it’s a rule to be a Garrosh clone, isn’t it?

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Yes. It is known.



As long as the outfit works.

Those shoulders no longer belong to Garrosh, for he could not defend them

Wear dem tusks


Imo put it on a gnome they are the best AND ONLY CORRECT CHOICE. MWAHAHAHAHA

I think they’d look fine on a Human Warrior or DK.

Garrosh doesn’t need them anymore anyways :woman_shrugging:

Everyone that can xmog it should. Wear it with pride!

And you’ll earn a solid 9/10 for doing it.


It just so happens that if you’re an Orc, you earn a 20/10 for the most amazing xmog in the game for an Orc. XD

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