Is it worth starting a new toon now

Is it worth starting a new character? I heard that jj goes away with prepatch so I was wondering for the first little bit, is it faster to actually level now or will cata without jj for the levels before bc zones? I am excited to catas prepatch but if its faster to level now, would definatly take advantage with it


Short answer yes, long answer no.
Yes: If you want to play the game now, play now. It will take you longer to level though.

No: I would wait until pre-patch. The leveling will be faster in the CATA content old zones. You will have more class/race selections. The main thing though is that the required EXP to level will be reduced. I know from 1-60 its less, 60-70 is less. But for 70-80 its reduced by HALF which is huge. JJ gives 50% exp but the reduction in EXP required to level will equal or surpass this bonus with the current EXP per level requirements.


Thank you, i was thinking about logging onto my main and alt just to do the daily then possibly level a toon in retail while i waited till tuesday

What are you thinking of leveling?

I have a hunter on a locked realm and i was gonna level her as bm and try to get a spirit beast since there will be way less compittion

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If you want to roll a goblin/worgen, you should wait :wink:

In line with Vyus, if you want to play now (as a true-Azeroth last hurrah or just something to do) play now. If not, wait.

I’m playing 60ish minutes on a hunter alt every night partly because it’s fun, and partly because there is actually quite a bit to do come prepatch depending on what Blizz releases:

picking/fixing specs for alts, figuring out those rotations (some changed a little, some a lot), fixing gems/gearing, glyphs, archaeology, getting the 251 gear for some badly-geared alts if we have the invasion content, etc.

I could be through everything in 2 days, or I may really want all 3 weeks. Hard to say quite yet. So I’m playing the alt as long as its fun even though it’s slower to do it now, since there isn’t much left on my pre-prepatch list, and the prepatch list is at least TBD.

See i have a feeling it was gonna be faster, which im really excited for plus catas talents are nice, glyphs and classes just feel better, Hence why the prepatch im gonna be leveling lots of alts but first a hunter so hence why i was curious if i should hold off for leveling

Short answer:No
Long answer:Hell No
We’re less than a week from pre patch of Cataclysm, and less than a month away from the official expansion.Just buy a level 80 character boost and prepare for Cataclysm in less than a month away.Otherwise you’ll just burn yourself out racing to get to max level when you’re a few clicks away from being guaranteed level 80.I may sound humorous, but I’m also being absolutely honest as well, so take what I say with a grain of salt and be tentative about your decision instead of taking whatever answer for granted.

I have also heard that rares wont spawn on locked realms. Is this true or someone pulling my chain

If you lay a LOT (like me) you can put on around 5 levels a day on average with JJ. maybe more. That will still be a long way from 80 but it will be a start. Or you can wait and make a fresh Worgen hunter.