Is it worth rerolling here from Zul'Jin?

I only have 1 max level Horde character over there, and I want to expand my alt roster fully these upcoming weeks. I have $$$ to spare for 1 transfer.
I’ve tried my luck finding a chill guild but there’s quite a big “tryhard” community, and I’ve heard some amazing things from Thrall everytime I look for server recommendations.
I’m also getting into all the gold making stuff and Zul’Jin is notorious for having a messed up economy where nothing sells for what it should sell for, generally speaking.

Thrall is the one of the biggest/one of the biggest horde pve servers. So yeah I’d say youd probably be in a good spot.

No they are too close to bother. Both are decent for raiding and other things. i suggest further narrowing your goals etc. If its raiding driven or pvp. RP etc.

Faction:Horde Server: Thrall-US
Contacts: Btags/Discord tags

About us:
Casuals AF is a raiding guild focused on creating a laid back, slower paced progression environment. AOTC is the goal but the approach is casual. We’re here to have fun.

We raid Thursday and Friday from 9pm-11pm

We run mythic plus keys daily. We get BG/world Pvp groups to battle the alliance. We run old content for transmog and achievements. We also have guild giveaways.

We are looking for active members of all lvls. Our Raid team it looking for more RDps for 8.3 and Shadowlands. All Classes and specs welcome for M+

We will help you get geared for raiding.

Contact Info
Btag - Nehman#1971
Discord - Nehman#1202

Btag - Bahibak#1982
Discord - Bahibak

Btag - Jogibear#1616
Discord - Donut#1105

Btag - Candyman#12186
Discord - Sirius#4135