Classic is definitely worth playing. But, mind you, it can take some time to get good. It’s a lot better with friends. If you’d like to start up. I can help ya. Just let me know. I’m on Bigglesworth, Alliance.
It still holds up as a solid MMORPG in 2020 and if you can find a group of people you can mesh with it makes the ride worthwhile.
Probably not a game youre gonna play nearly everyday for the next 5 years though.
You waaaaayyyt missed the wave and you prolly wont have as good of an experience tbh.
As hard as I try I personally can not get back into retail after playing vanilla again. No matter how hard I try, nothing in retail excites me. Epic gear is handed out like candy, which takes away all drive and excitement to want to actually get anything specific. When you see someone in classic WoW with some really cool weapons and/or armor it actually has a positive impact on you, it motivates you to want to try to get that item as well, and when you do it’s thrilling. Obviously I’m biased but i for sure think it’s worth playing classic right now.
Honestly bro I’d say you missed out on the proper Classic experience. Nowadays most people are paying gold for level 60s to run their alts through dungeons from level 10-60 (it’s called boosts) and most raids have already been completed and farmed.
Classics time from a content standpoint is coming to an end as Nax is being released in less than a week and that content will be in a drought 3 months post launch.
I’d wait until BC Classic releases early to mid next year and start fresh then.
The above is the experience of a high pop server.
I have only 2 60’s and it took me about the same time (12 days) on both.
For some people thats slow, but I am usually not just leveling but also pvping and leveling profession and the like.
yes do it dude
January 1st 2021 is when classic truly begins. The tourists will be gone and the players who truly want to be here will be.
Honestly…if you roll a resto shaman, there will 100% be a guild that will want you for endgame.
If you want to access that part of the game this late, you gotta roll something that is in a higher demand.
Also, if you like playing your resto shaman…there are plenty of opportunities in TBC as well. Resto, and to a slightly lesser degree, elemental, will do really well if TBC comes.
There are valid concerns on both sides regarding whether you should play at this point or not, on top of the time constraint that you wanted to set before getting Shadowlands around the holidays. All I would say is, if you were preferring Alliance, Pagle does not struggle with dungeon finding or signing up for leveling guilds, my own would definitely be willing to take you on. It is late into classic, I started playing classic for the first time, just as AQ40 was being released. Regardless, it is one of the greatest games I have ever played so I would still recommend having some fun and trying it out.
Classic has way less quality of life additions than modern WOW (or other modern MMOs). On the other hand, you do get a sense of immersion and wonder that you just don’t find in modern MMOs that are more about doing quick dailies and logging out. Classic WOW is all about feeling like you’re part of the world, grind and all.
There are some rumors that fresh classic servers will come out after a bit, if that turns out to be true you should for sure give it a go on fresh servers.
Yes!!! We are actually starting a FRESH REROLL tonight on ANATHEMA!!! come join us and 60+ other members in our revival of a low pop server (pvp) but the pvp scene is chill <3