Soulburned Healthstones increase Health by 20% and therefore Death Pact efficiency by 20%, but it seems better to Death Pact, take damage, then use a Soulburn Healthstone to get the health back.
Is it worth playing around this, or just use as necessary?
I think you’re overthinking it.
But, generally, if you’re expecting to take significant damage in a short duration, its better to use dark pact first (before you take big damage), then burn healthstone when the shield is broken for the top-up.
Alternatively, if you take big damage first, you would burn a healthstone first to top up, then dark pact to shield away subsequent damage.
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It really depends on the type of damage you’re taking (instant or DoT) and evaluating from there. The SB:HS into Pact is better if you’re taking damage over time with enough of a window to wait until you dip low before you SB:HS → Pact. If it’s a huge up front hit, just rip Pact and SB:HS if you’re super low afterwards and more damage is coming.
I use the macro after/during taking pulsing damage or when sshh hits the fan.
Soulburn Healthstone Dark Pact
Use modifiers with [combat] so you can otherwise eat HS after combat ends and you still have a DoT on you.
Its incredibly overkill to use them together like that, also wastefull.
If you need a weak defensive use Dark Pact, need a stronger defensive use Unending Resolve, need to heal and want a nice defensive along SB:HS.
Thanks all! I figured I was overthinking it.
All good, eventually you get a sense of what cd to use.
if you want an practical exemple, mythic ansurek.
Healthstones: I use them outside of moments where healer CD are going and i need to heal due to a mistake or mechanic (because it will overheal) and to cover moments where i don’t have Dark Pact or UR.
Dark Pact : i use it freely as the cd is very short (45s cd) and your most avaliable active cd.
UR: I have to use it on the 2nd pull of intermission and at a specific moment of p3, meaning i can use it before or after those as long as they are avaliable in those moments.