Is it worth keeping Mining on this server?

Back on…THAT server, I dropped Mining for Enchanting, and, although I was never super rich, I had 2.4k, an epic mount, and a bank filled with high end raid consumables. when it closed.

For a server as small as ours, the competition for rich thorium seems fierce. On top of that, I found one crystal on the very first rich thorium vein I mined, and never again. Are there just too many Miners on this server? Do you guys think it would be better to drop Mining for Chanting, or are there too many chanters, as well?

In my opinion it really depends on how you want to spend your time. As an enchanter you’ll be spamming trade a lot and hanging out in cities. As a miner, you’ll be out in the world (adventuring), or perhaps doing jump runs or something along those lines. I think jump runs are the best best for rich thorium/arcane crystals since instances have less competition. Find yourself a healer with herbalism or someone willing to split the proceeds and you should do pretty well.

As a tankadin, you may be able to make decent money doing carries as well. I hear they are the next best thing to Mages.

He doesn’t have Consecration :rofl:

This is true. I’m specced for max ST threat and Tank group utility in a raid, but my clear times would be almost as fast, since I don’t have to take a mana break every other pull.