Is it worth it?

After being indoctrinated from the hundreds of forum posts daily, I now feel tempted to try Final Fantasy.

So should I try it?? Should I try final fantasy ???
Is the game worth it


I find it’s almost always a good use of time to try something for yourself when that thing allows you to do so (at least up to a point) for free. FF offers a trial version, so why not?


Please stop with the FFXIV posts. Like seriously, WoW has its shortcomings, but FFXIV isn’t the beacon of light people say it is.

Plus furry anime stuff.


try it for yourself. it’s free i think but idk what their restrictions are in terms of free gameplay.

it’s not for everyone. it does have it downsides just like any other game. imo it’s more of just hype atm given yea if blizz actually did a good job with this expac we wouldn’t really have the whole issue but because of what it is then yea.


If players find more entertainment bashing WoW instead of playing another game or talking about the other game on their own forum then I’d say it’s safe to say it’s not fun and they don’t find it fun either.


Tried it over a year ago. Didn’t like it myself. If you’re looking for something new, maybe you will.


It depends. The questing/story is better.

The dungeons are terrible. Short and very basic.

There is WAY too much Japanese anime stuff. The music is terrible. There are a billion loading screens. Things like crafting are a soul crushing grind.

I played to level 42 before I quit.

It’s not for me at all but you may like it.

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It’s a video game not a life defining choice.

If it looks like fun you should try it out.


That seems overrated chief

You can try it for free for the first 60 levels. If lore is something you like, you will enjoy FFXIV.

Definitely subject to personal taste. I think FF14 does a deeper job of story telling. On the whole i don’t like the game so I was also looking to find something positive about it….

You do know these forums have an off topic page right? Problem is they want people to see it as those topics do not have high traffic compared to gd thus why we post here instead.

Mods will move it there if reported enough cause of tos

Story doesn’t look deep and seem all over the place



lol. the story in 14 is amazing, but at this point it doesn’t take a whole lot to beat WoW’s storytelling. they couldn’t write their way out of a paper bag

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There is a free trial that can take you up to 60, which is both A Realm Reborn (the slow bit) and Heavensward (the part where the game gets phenomenally good with its story). Create an account. Download it. Try it.

No one is going to force you to play one game over the other.

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It’s free so why not? I feel like the game respects your time and it actually feels like you’re playing a game rather than doing chores, which is what Shadowlands has sadly turned into thanks to its endless grind systems.