Is It Worth It To Go With Two Gathering Professions?

There still money to be made just gathering, say skins and herbs? It seems the crafted pieces people need from other professions is where the money is at.

Let alone should I choose to drop a gathering profession, the long haul to level up a creation profession sounds as fun as dipping my toes in hot asphalt.

I think it rather depends on how the crafting professions are handled once we move on to the next major patch content. Will crafted items keep up and continue to be relevant, or will they get left behind?

Hard to tell really, but a lot of gathered items have lost much of their value. Only the very rare or the very much in demand items continue to have good value. Probably a good idea to study the AH and see what is still selling well in the commodities area to see where the profit lies in pure gathering.

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The market for the elemental motes/essences, higher level skins, etc - those are still worth money depending on your server.

Gathering is also relaxing and stress free as far as professions go. Just USE A GUIDE to do your knowledge points. You can’t change them once you put them in.

Say you want to spec mining into a build that focuses on also getting gemstones - don’t accidentally select the path that gives you extra ore.

Eventually you can do everything but that will take a long time to get that much knowledge points.

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If I didn’t already have a lot of rare prior ench/tailor I’d do that in a heartbeat. I love gathering in this expansion.

Yes, and what is sometimes overlooked is that certain materials can only be obtained from crafting. For example, to make something like a Life-Bound Cap (which is a purple LW hat) the crafters need, among other things, 15 x Mireslush Hide. That items isn’t gathered, its made by a LW using 1 Awakened Earth, 1 Awakened Fire and 2 Dense Hide, all of which are gathered items. But the Mireslush Hide can only be crafted. So its not something a materials farmer could gather up. But your farming toon can supply the materials needed to make it.

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It doesn’t matter what professions you take to make gold, it matters what realm you’re on.

Some professions like Skinning don’t make diddly squat on my realm. The avg cost of a rank 3 resilient hide is 40 silver per. Weird side note, I see rank 3’s of lots of things being cheaper than rank 2’s.

Look for what is selling in vast quantities and at decent gold that you know you can take a slice of. Anything that’s big, high ticket items, is not going to be a money maker in the same way, much longer haul. Try to find something that is super cheap to make but you know people need. Herbing and Alchemy on my realm is the better way to go because people pay through the nose for pre-pots and health potions, you can sell easily 500-1000 per day. People buy them in the hundreds at a time because they’re a cheap 129k heal.

Supply and demand is the true determining factor of how much you can rinse the public of their coin purses.

I was herb/mining but I ended up dropping one. I can’t believe I am going to say this but there are too many nodes when you have both. My poor dragon just cannot keep up.

if you’re going 2 gathering profession. I’d go herbing and mining at the same time. That way if you’re doing a gathering run you can do both at the same time w/o getting off your mount

You also get tons of essences going mining herb with 2 different overloads

Gathering professions haul in money during the first 4 weeks of a patch cycle and tank when the crafting cools down.

Other crafts tend to to even out a little better imho.

I’m skinning and Lw. skinning is garbage right now. Lustrous scales are selling for 30g each. LW is giving me more money off rank 5 recrafting for people rather than AH.

You just rotate what you are searching for or can you track both now at the same time?

you can track at the same time here’s a route for you if you want

You can track both at same time.