Is it TWW yet?

I’m just done with DF. It was a decent expansion, but its time to move on.

Is it TWW yet?

TWW doesn’t come out until Aug 22 for early access and Aug 26 for its release. I think prepatch is sometime around July 30th. It will be here closer than you think!


I’m hoping they are able to follow through with their goal of faster expansions in the future. 18 months or so would be good, just skip the whole meme season 4 thing.

Ill tell you when we get there

U sure its july 30th? I thought it was coming at the end of remix which has like 49 days left

That would leave just 1 week of pre-expansion patch. I doubt that’s gonna happen.

Why are you here then?

I want my warbank now!

Want Demand GIF

There was a splash screen on beta or ptr that said something about July 30th. Could be when the prepatch hits but the prepatch event might not happen until like 2 weeks before Aug 26th. We know remix won’t be done until Aug 20th, so people with early access will have only 2 days do gear up their remix characters in prepatch.

Remix ended weeks ago, or this week, or 3 weeks from now depending on when players buy all their cosmetics.

IIRC, Remix ends right before launch, not pre-patch.

Once Remix is over, the Timewalkers become live TWW characters.

That suuuuuucks, i hope they allow us to transfer once prepatch hits live i got 5 remix chars i wanna gear in catch up stuff before tww…

Plus one of those remix chars might be a new main so thats double suuucks.

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You can level in new expansion in low 400s gear. Supposedly the TR characters transfer over at 415, so you technically shouldn’t need to gear them. Not saying you can’t get whatever gear comes with Prepatch, but it’s not going to be a necessity.

Isle of Dorne drops 408s, so even Remix characters in 415 gear will do fine.

play discovery while waiting

Thought i saw somewhere the catch up gear is 493 in prepatch