Is it true the LFG addon


Got a source for that 70+%?

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It wouldn’t surprise me if the addon dev continues to push the envelope to the detriment of our community.

For those that can’t be bothered to click on the Blue post linked above, here’s the whole thing (emphasis added to highlight the key point):

We’ve been closely following the community discussion around this add-on for WoW Classic, as well as analyzing it to make sure we understand how it works. After careful examination, we believe the nature of ClassicLFG is incompatible with our social design for Classic. Thus, in an upcoming patch (in the weeks following launch), we will be adding restrictions to the Classic add-on API that will significantly limit this add-on and others like it.

In line with what we shared at BlizzCon last year, we intend to be very careful about allowing add-on functionality that might undermine aspects of the social dynamics that are core to the Classic experience, even in cases like this where it’s clear that the addon author had no ill intent and was simply trying to provide a service to the Classic community. Ultimately, if a streamlined group-finding system was something we considered compatible with Classic, we would have kept the modern Premade Group Finder tool rather than choosing to remove it from the Classic client.

It’s difficult to articulate a clear-cut rule for exactly when an add-on crosses the line. However, when an add-on goes beyond presenting information or providing aesthetic customization, and attempts to create an interconnected social network that relies on other players also using that same add-on, we are likely to scrutinize it particularly closely.strong text

The creator of the addon spoke directly to Blizzard and was told that the addon would be largely unchanged with the exception of automated invites, which nobody would have used for dungeon group creation anyway unless they wanted 4 hunters and a rogue.

This happened yesterday, well after the announcement by Blizzard. The victory being claimed is nearly entirely phyrric. Mountains out of molehills.

yep along with a lot of other addons lololol

The automation is the sticking point. Who cares if someone has an addon that lists what people want to do? So, victory secure.

yes it is. fuk lfg.

Good, glad to hear it. You should mention that at the next rally though, pretty sure most of your buddies dont agree. The addon will still allow listings and group formations entirely outside game chat.

Honestly it makes sense, they’re not against addons providing info, the automation was a bit far though, leave that to innkeepers and meeting stones :slight_smile:

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Right, doesnt make sense to even break the automation. People will gladly make a couple extra clicks.

Automation in addons was broken in vanilla, though. Blizzard doesn’t like it when things play for you.

Yeah but not in any meanungful way.

No they wernt. Also retail has automated over 50% of the main game.