Is it true that we cannot put two abilities in a macro?

It wont ban you. It just wont work. Lol

Everyone who figures out that /cast will make you do a spell has tried to put two spells in. Then you try, and you cant.

You can activate, legally, certain things, like autoattack or petattack with a single cast, and change targets multiple times, but yeah, one cast per macro.

You can have more than one ability in a macro.

You just can’t have one macro that activates two abilities that are both on the GCD. That would require third party software.

You can either do cast sequence macros that transform the button into the next one in the sequence after it is pressed, or you can macro together a GCD ability with an OGCD ability so that they’ll both be used at the same time.

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Yep…I think they’re confused, because the bans come in when you can’t do something with the in-game macro system and they bypass it by using an out of game tool (like keyboard/mouse software) that makes its own macros using delays or repeats. THAT is ban worthy.

In-game macros simply will not let you break any automation rules. Macros will only allow you to do what the game allows you to do. If you were to try to go outside that the macro would simply fail to work.


Nope you can make castsequnce macros.

What you can’t do is have a macro that uses two abilities at the same time (with exceptions like trinkets pots etc.) This is already hard coded into the game though so you can’t accidentally break it.

It was borderline as they didn’t want to take action against people with disabilities but at the same time it did violate one button push per ability cast rule. Many people used such software for over a decade without issue and the new UI has an option in game that does it. I think its called automatic button press or something and allows you to hold a key instead of continually spamming it. So now days it seems like a nonissue.

The automatic button press in-game is not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about people making macros out of game using software or hardware that do delays or repeats. That’s always been against the rules. That’s still against the rules. It’s never been “borderline”. The in-game option to hold a button down is completely separate from this. That does not repeat or spam abilities…it merely lets you hold a button down so the ability will go off when the GCD ends.

The moment a macro attempts to trigger a GCD ability (an ability which triggers and is affected by the G.lobal C.ool-D.own), it ceases to try and trigger any other abilities associated with the GCD.

Otherwise, you’re welcome to trigger 1000 different abilities simultaneously if you can fit them within the macro character limit.

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That’s true. That is true. I was thinking they were talking about everyone who went “can i code an if-then and just hammer one button” because everyone has that idea. Lol

Yes it always shows firat ability that is cast like for bear
/cast Mangle
/cast Ironfur
Since ironfur is ogcd ability it works but say for a rogue
#showtooltip Roll the Bones
/cast Adrenaline Rush
/cast Roll the Bones
You do that because you cast Adrenaline rush first for the double buff roll before Roll the bones is cast Ar is ogcd while rtb is gcd

Pretty sure it’s called the action button or toggle?

Nah, I’ve an ‘all-purpose’ macro for my Hunter, it’s Mend Pet and Revive Pet in the same button.

/cast [@pet, nodead] Mend Pet; Revive Pet

If they’re alive, Mend Pet. If dead, it Revives instead.

But yeah, afaik you can’t put your whole class rotation into a single button, for example lol.

You used to be able to, I remember Mousewheel Hunter in WoTLK being a huge meme.

If they didn’t want us to, they would code the macros to only allow one ability per macro.
On my warrior on retail I have a macro that activates like 3 abilities at once lol it’s nutty.

If it was possible to get banned for macro, Blizzard would have fixed it so it won’t be possible to do it.

You can have multiple macros. Look up castsequence

depends on how you craft the macro

Some classes like shaman suffer severe button bloat and feel unplayable without macros. My ele shaman has a macro with SIX defensives in it lol.