Is it true that we cannot put two abilities in a macro?

I read this a few years ago on the forums ; adding more than one ability to a macro is cause for a ban. When I mentioned it in the game no one believed me and they started giving examples of their multi-ability macros. It does seem harsh to give a ban for this, but the philosophy behind it is you cannot automate the game, you can’t let it play for you.

Is it true?

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no it is not


I have a lot of macros with more than one ability. Most have modifiers, I’m still choosing which spells get cast, but just hitting less buttons to do it.


Some abilities and trinkets that don’t trigger a global CD, you can combine those with another ability into a macro to use both at once.


sure you can use modifiers to have more than one ability in the same macro…
shift and ctrl for example…shift can be used for flash of light while ctrl can be used for word of glory and no modifier casts holy shock for example

You can trigger a trinket and an ability with a macro, or anything that isn’t GCD with GCD.

I typically have Avenging Wrath (when it’s talented as an active ability and not a passive triggered by Wake) with an on use trinket, when those cooldowns line up.


There are some trinkets that actually trigger the main GCD.

To the OP: There are multiple GCD’s. There’s the main GCD (the one your main core rotational (and sometimes defensive/utility) spells are on. Then there’s your secondary GCD abilities (usually some other defensive, big cooldown abilities etc.)

The reason we talk about the GCD is because you cannot execute 2 spells that are on the same GCD within the one macro. You used to be able to by using wait commands, but blizz disabled that.

The simple way to tell is to use said abilities and see if they both go on cool down or not as represented by the clockwork spin on the icon.


These still exist?
My trinkets even have freaking cast times and I cannot macro it my CD.

As has been said, how many things you can put in a macro is only limited by the GCD.

That being said, you WILL NOT get a “ban” if you put more than one ability in a macro.

It simply won’t work. lol

In fact, you CAN make macros with more than one ability in them, they just won’t work the way you want them to.

For example, if your rotation is A, B, C and you want to macro that, YOU CAN make a macro to do it, but it might do something like C, B, B, A.

So which side of the argument will you choose? On one hand, it does work. Your macro WILL DO a combination of those abilities. But since they’re out of proper order, it “doesn’t” work. Because it’s not allowing you to automate the inputs the way you want, Blizzard allows it (because it technically doesn’t work).

But, again-- you won’t get a BAN for creating macros that don’t work. What’s there to ban? It doesn’t do anything. lol


For the most part macros can only do what the game allows. I have had multiple abilities in them since the game launched. There are some things it won’t do, like make decisions for you on what to cast, and there are semi-workarounds like cast sequence or chaining abilities with no GCD to the start of the macro

You’re not really getting a technical answer yet, and mine will be a little closer, but you still need someone who can speak directly to macro writing and usage, but…

(the game used to have people who would come on and know everything about whatever the topic was in the forums, not so much anymore)

Macros can have multiple things in them, but you cannot have, like 2 offensive “spells” abilities which trigger with ONE button push.

So, for example, you’re playing your Hunter right…?

You can’t have a macro, which, with ONE button push, will trigger Black Arrow AND Explosive Shot AND Barbed Shot.

But you COULD have a macro which cycles between those 3 things, like if you push the macro THREE times it would trigger off each of them in turn.

Someone is going to come in here and contradict some portion of what I just said, and that’s just how the forums work, haha.

But the spirit of my answer is correct.

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poe1 had a policy like that. “1 button=1 action”

it was weird though, they allowed a logout macro even if it’s technically more than one action to logout. apparently it was one action in the eyes of the server.
*not an issue in poe2 we can pause and respawn to checkpoint lol

i dont think its a thing here. you see ppl messing about with wild 1 button cast sequences sometimes enhanced by some “shady” addon.
also it’s popular to macro an off-gcd trinket/ability with another ability and they both go off “at the same time” with 1 button.

I really hope not, I have one that will choose the nearest target, apply hunters mark, and send my pet in to attack. Been using this since wrath.

You cannot use any macros which are built outside of WoW’s toolbox in WoW. You can, however, put multiple abilities in a single macro so long as it is one made in WoW. Plenty of healers use a help/harm macro to put a heal or a damage spell on one button, I usually bind my warrior stances or bear/cat alternating together using a cast sequence macro. If you are building it in the WoW menu, it isn’t going to violate automation rules. It could be used to violate chat rules if you have inappropriate language or spam, but you won’t run afoul of cheating/hacks/automation using the WoW macro tools.

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I have a butt ton (scientific term) of macros.

I need them because I don’t have 20 fingers.


  • You can macro a non-GCD with a GCD (Warrior: Avatar with Bladestorm)
  • You can use modifiers to have some conditional macros. (Warrior: one macro with harm modifier for charge and help modifier for intervene. Always be running with one button)
  • You can use /castsequence, but it’s benefit really goes down hill with more than two abilities. (Warrior: Mortal Strike > Cleave. I’m always using these spenders when possible regardless of single target or aoe situations and the CDs are relatively close.)

Other stuff:

  • @cursor really smooths out abilities that give you a target location reticle.
  • reset / target is smooths out having a primary ability for a castsequence macro.

For hunters, /petattack /petassist /petpassive are good sometimes.


I heard people getting banned for using macros like this. They consider this as cheating for some reason. And will pop off the anti cheats Blizzard has installed. Cause they will think you are trying to bot to cheat.

I know it is easier but for some reason they are enforcing 1 button=1 action. Not 1 button=50 actions.

basic macros wont trigger warden thats not how it works


Thanks for contributing nonsense to this.

Using wow ingame macro system is not cheating.


they arent enforcing 1 button = 1 action in terms of making macros. you’re getting it mixed up with multiboxers using third party programs to allow 1 button to trigger a cast from all of the multibox toons


Is there anything on the rules that say otherwise? I never heard nothing from Blizzard saying yes it is or no it isn’t. So far its in the grey zone. Unless someone can post something from Blizzard to clarify.