Is it true about the Fel Reaver in Outlands?

That it was actually there to combat botting. Because i never considered that, and if so that was a cool idea. So glad there’s no more botting in WoW, that stuff used to ruin most mmo’s.

I have never head that before in my life… I know that you needed to kill one for the key to one of the HFC Dungeons IIRC but I think that its purpose was to be intimidating and show a strong Legion Presence, especially with the roar when it sneaks up on you.


As far as I know it was there to be a threat while leveling and a max level quest objective.

the only purpose to the fel reaver was to scare the piss out of anyone leveling in hellfire peninsula and/or murder the piss out of anyone leveling in hellfire peninsula


Especially when it would bug out and skate around the zone without making noise or making the ground shake.

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Yeah if it were to combat botting there would’ve been reavers in each zone.


I never got ganked by the thing personally, it was always very nice and roared before getting close enough to attack. Scared the snot out of me though back then whenever it happened.

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Back when computers still sucked, Fel Reavers and Devilsaurs could easily sneak up on unsuspecting players even with their rumblings. It happened a lot, just out of nowhere you get stomped on.

Yeah I think was supposed to really drive home the, “I’m not in Kansas any more” feeling. On Azeroth you might’ve been able to grind boars in peace, but Hellfire Peninsula has other plans.


Ice cream social?


Yeah, which is a really charming aspect of Hellfire Peninsula if I am being honest. I know they tried to re-capture it with the giants in Howling Fjord but it wasn’t the same.

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Wardruid Loti would like to know your location.


The Fel Reaver isn’t even scary.

Questing in Vashj’ir and seeing that Whale Shark just appear near you and you gotta run away asap before you pull aggro.

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The thing was so huge and somehow it always managed to sneak up on me. I’d hear its loud roar and see it right behind me. It truly made Outland feel dangerous.

I’ll bring cookies!


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Nah, never heard that… I think it was just like that big boi in Legion Highmountain that walks in that circle route and would one shot people.

Just that intimidating force they put in to troll people.

I remember the day I first saw one. He was so big just hovering on the horizen. I ran up to him with my protection pally, heaved my shield at him, threw a judgment…and took a dirt nap. Had my mouth open and everything.

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Ugh OP don’t remind me, I still hear that sound in my nightmares…

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That’s news to me. I thought they was there to annoy those not paying attention to their surroundings, like the Sons of Arugal.

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