I havent been paying attention to WoW news and was wondering if SoD was still worth it or if everyone is so far along ? ARe there still help with quests and dungeon runs for lowbies? How are runes, does it makethe game a lot funner for shaman or rogue or shadow priest? Please help me decide if I shouild give it a shot
Watch a video, or buy a sub and try it yourself?
why even reply? I dont care for streamers or care what they have to say.
and I have a sub or I wouldn’t be able to post here bud
There are multiple phases ahead of us and it barely takes anytime to get to lvl 25 so it is absolutely not too late.
Have you heard anything about Shadow Priests? I really want to play one but worried they wont be good
It isn’t too late. I just reached level 25 yesterday. People are everywhere and I haven’t had trouble finding people to team up with. Some runes that require a group can take a bit to find people at times.
The runes are a great feature. They are a mixed bag, though. Some are great, some not so much. They have been nerfing and buffing them regularly, and is likely to be a neverending process.
I haven’t played the classes you asked about, but I can say that warlocks, paladins, and healing priests especially have lucked out with runes. Some of the runes don’t quite have the support they need to make work yet due to the level cap and likely runes to be added in future phases.
Overall, I’m having a good time and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys classic.
thanks bud I will try it I just dont know what class to play. Sounds like most of my worries are put to rest with what you said tho
This phase they are not good but next phase they will be. So think of shadow priests as a time share if you roll one.
If you dont care what people have to say then why are the forums different? If you have a sub just give it a try. In the end the only person who will know if you enjoy it is you.
SP are bottom tier dps
It’s definitely not too late. There’s plenty of activity in lower level zones, people making alts, etc. I still see RFC groups forming, at least here on Crusader Strike so I’m sure bigger Horde populated realms have it even better.
I think SOD is great to get into. You have probably 2 months before the level cap increases to 40, which is plenty of time to lvl even if you just have a few hours a day. I was able to grind out most runes and professions, then farm rep in ashenvale and its been very active.
If you’re interested I’d give it a try, roll shadow priest if you want. Spriest will get better at 40 and Blizzard just buffed Homunculus with 130% more dmg, they’re actively balancing classes. The only issue you might have is getting into a BFD raid, but if that’s your goal you can always just go heals (which are OP), get your gear, then go back to shadow for phase 2.
SoD is super popular everybody Ik is working on their third/fourth alts already it’s so much fun. Just get in and play before you miss it.
For everyone but early Warriors and Rogues, the game is way faster and more fun. It isn’t that Warriors and Rogues got nothing cool, we did, but none of it compares to the endless sustain many other classes got in their kits from runes.
Also we’re all capped at lvl25 right now, and leveling isn’t hard. You have plenty of time over the holidays to catch up, do the only raid we have (BFD, 10man), and get ready for Phase 2 in 2024.
The level cap is probably the best feature tbh. Easy re-entry. Slows everything down instead of insane slog to 60.
Yes, it’s too late, now go away.
They intend on putting catch up mechanics in, so you have nothing to worry about. Already, they’re introducing craftable cheap gear that is better than some of the previous BiS BoE gear.
They’re doing a great job in not letting sweats separate too far off from the pack, while not necessarily punishing them either. I’m finishing exalted on my lock for wsg, then rolling a priest. By the end of this phase I expect that they will uncap rep in Ashenvale, and exalted will be much more accessible to everybody before phase 2 starts.
Go for it. You are not far behind at all. No such thing in SoD. That’s one of its draws.
Shadow will likely not be good till next phase. But it is a very fun time would recommend playing!
Its too late, youll be leveling along side bots now. Better luck next time bud.
Does it matter what we think, or does it matter what you think?
It’s deffo too late for you.