Interested in starting SOD, but I feel like catching up may be extremely tedious. I’m interested to see peoples opinion on if it’s worth it to start now.
In my opinion, I don’t think its too late to start SoD. This largest hurdle is gathering your class or spec’s runes since most still require their questlines but other than that its pretty easy to join. Exp boost rates, level up raids for big exp, and daily incursions/BRM eruptions make leveling a lot faster. Also twice weekly raids like ZG or AQ20 are good sources of gear for fresh 60s since they don’t have as much of a gear check as the other raids. I’d recommend checking it out to test the waters as to whether or not you want to dive deeper into it.
Leveling is fast with the xp boost and if you get world buffs from main city and use restedxp addon it will go by quick and you’ll pick up most of the runes as you go.
All servers merged into crusader strike for PvP. I forget which server is the pve one but double check before you start because all other servers are empty because everyone transferred.
They also massively buffed how much honor you get from kills and turning in marks so the honor grind is much much easier so there’s no reason you can’t get full honor gear fairly quickly if you’re into PvP.
I wouldnt start SoD. PvP is slowing down. No longer any WSG games running, less AB games running etc. Gear takes a lot of grinding, especially rep. Would have to blast a ton of hours in for weeks straight.
Sod is on its final down turn. Numbers already dropping week 1 AQ. Only way to enjoy sod now is if you roll a shaman.
Yeah, you missed the free T2 loot vendor.
I mean, we are only week 1 into AQ… months from Nax. And you’ll be joining at the best time where most of the classes have been tweeked and improved to near perfection
Thank you everyone for your replies! I’m going to give it a try and see if it’s for me.
tbh yes, i just leveled a fresh toon to 60 and there are zero dungeons going, no real way to get gear outside of ranking at this point or buying boes for hundreds of gold
No not at all. I rolled in end of October from Era and pretty much getting close to finishing my pvp build that includes raid off pieces. Gear changes are great! Way more options to different builds that make what was ‘meh’ on era, very viable and fun here. Enjoy and ignore the doomers.