Is it too late to reroll?

seeing that horde is the dominant faction and best at pvp. phase 2 too late to reroll horde?

That’s up for you to decide. This is an opinion, not fact.

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Sweet passive aggressive troll. I think I prefer people just straight up crying to this…

Hey, she’s a new posting toon. Give her a chance to grow.

no, never to late for anything.

No. And lot’s of people are already doing it. What point is there to playing alliance?

Not at all, in fact phase 2 makes it easier to gear as now tier tokens drop twice as much per boss in 25 man’s.

Why the hell would u do that for? Unless u have no friends and guild, whatever…

I’d say u are trolling and wasting time.

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Kid, u dont even play the game… U are a serial complainer…

Dont listen to this guy.

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It’s too late. If you don’t have 4 piece epic set by now you got no chance in s2. Rerolling sets you back at least a week of leveling, and 12 weeks worth of points to get caught up then a good month of honor farming.

literal phase 1

Only the weak publicly admit defeat… Only a coward would join the side beating them… Stay silent and play harder. If you fail you fail… it’s too late yes.

You get to engage with snarky, passive aggressive folks in general chat?

You can fish in bg’s and it is not frowned upon.

LOL, this coming from one of the most prolific, whining complainers on the forums.

Here is a cute little snippet, just one example of a typical Niko post:

That is comedy gold right there. :rofl:

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