Is it too late to learn to farm DM:E for Rich Thorium?

With the daily instance cap now at 20, coupled with the fact that my guild raids most nights, is it worth it to begin the process of learning to duo DM:E for Rich Thorium, or should I just cross my fingers and hope I can beat the botters in open world Mining?

Still probably worth it, even doing 5 DME you’ll get somwhere between 10-20 viens and thats alot more than you’ll get out in the world in the same amount of time it takes to do those 5 runs.

10-20 veins in DM:E?(!) I thought the only veins were in the exit cave behind last boss, and that there were only 2-4 of them. Are there more, or are you referring to the total after you burn a hour’s worth of resets?

Thats a total for 5 runs… saying you’ll get more chances at veins in DME than open world.

Yeah, I figured that’s what you meant. Thanks for the input.

Sorry, wrong toon…
