So this might sound dumb but I didn’t start playing WoW until MoP. When classic came out I tried it but had some IRL stuff come up both work and health related so I stopped. Well now everything is sorted but everyone I know has stopped playing classic. So I was curious since I’ll know no one and be starting from level 1 should I even bother or am I way to far behind the later being most of what I hear from people that did okay but stopped.
It’s never too late to start. In fact, now that there arent 1000 players in every zone from Level 1 - Level 40, questing is a cakewalk.
There are several threads with this question being asked and answered the same way: no, it’s a living world, as long as you don’t pick a low pop server, it’s never to late to start.
Leveling in Classic is one of the major parts of the game. That experience itself is worth playing.
You can get a lot of pre raid BIS items from dungeons from 52 - 60 so you will be in good position to raid if you want.
No it’s not too late, but there are a few ways you can make your experience more enjoyable:
- Play on a medium-high pop server to ensure you can find dungeon groups leveling
- Play on a Normal or RP server to avoid ganks by bored 60s
The only trouble you may have starting late is that at some level brackets you may have issues forming a dungeon group. Doesn’t stop you from still questing and getting to the next level bracket.
I started Vanilla with BWL & Arathi Basin already out, and found no issues back then
Thank you now follow up question. I see posts and videos saying tanks like don’t exist. Is this actually the case and if so what tanks are decent? Don’t necessarily care about cutting edge but don’t want to be laughed at either.
Every realm is still Medium or higher population, which means more than what would have made a realm Full in the old days, except Sul’Thraze, the Brazillian realm.
Pay no attention to the doomsaying on the forum; people here have been pushing hard for Classic to collapse long before it ever came out, for some reason.
That said, only play on a PvP realm if you really and actually want the opposing faction to be able to attack you at any time in most of the world, with no restrictions on level or numbers. “But I can’t reach a dungeon!” “But I can’t grind rep!” “But there are ten of them to only one of me, that’s not PvP!” More than enough people whining on that subject already, by far.
I’d make a druid tank. Easy to pick up and the best 5-man tank in the game. However, past that, you won’t see druid tanks. Prob end up respeccing to resto or melee feral dps.
That said, if you’re looking to tank the raids and all end-game content, go warrior. It’s slow and painful to level though.
Feral sounded cool but a buddy played one and said that you need a bunch of macros to make it playable and not “clunky” Also is that dungeon mace really BiS for like ever? O.o
“That dungeon mace” is a crappy bear weapon; cats use (multiple copies of) it for gimmicky damage bursts, not tanks.
That said, if you want to play a feral druid tank, you’ll need to get used to the idea of your weapon being a stat-stick. Sulfuras is useless to a bear.
You do not need macros to tank as a feral druid. What your buddy finds “clunky” is about them, not objective reality.
Just roll mage aoe lvl and dungeon spell cleave. It’s easier than finding a tank sometimes
That depends. If his buddy is used to how druids are played in Retail and is comparing that to Classic, it is clunky. Not directly relevant to the tanking experience, but to the overall druid experience.
Form switching is highly clunky in Classic compared to Retail and macros would reduce that clunky-ness.