Is it to late to join the Illidari as a demon hunter?

I’ve been trying to find somewhere to make my demon hunter character but it seems like every roleplay chain with demon hunters is closed. Is it to late to join? If not, where would I do so and how? I’ve got most everything figured out for her though I haven’t written it down yet.

Never too late. If I can do it, then you certainly can. Here are a few ways to make it work:

-Have your timeline as a demon hunter start from a while back before the legion.
-Rememeber that countless worlds out there remain conquered by the legion and are seething with them. Someday among those worlds, some powerful demons may arise to unit the legion again.

And believe me. This is an easy sell in comparison to having to explain a gnome demon hunter respectably.

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Thank you for the help! I’ve just joined so all this is a bit confusing for me.

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Weren’t you that demon hunter who was thought to have been lost on that one world? Did you survive to find the portal home had closed on you?
In any case, welcome back to Azeroth! I’m sure you had quite the adventure getting here :wink: