Is it time to remove Cheat Death from the game?

How many times has this ability saved an undeserving rogue since TBC?

For me it’s countless


yea double iceblock ; double hunter wall ; cheat ; 12s lock port

they giga amped non hybrid defensives to match (presumably intended to match at least) the amount of healing hybrids have been doing the last couple expansions

then removed the hybrid healing from everyone but ret


Half the rogues don’t even play that talent.

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Most rogues have played it for the last 3+ xpacs

then also removed it from ret.


Self Healing DPS remove it. Make Bandages Great Again.


Buff hybrid healing by like 200%.

Hmm… Then what about my DH? Where’s my defensive buffs… :disappointed: blurr? What a joke…

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Only outlaw doesn’t consistently play cheat death, that’s just not true.

Yeah, they do. Since like DF prepatch or whenever feint wall got reduced to nothing.


It might not be exactly half, but it is not 100% pick.


For assassination and sub its maybe 2/3 that choose it

Outlaw its more like 1/3.

Mind you thats just the top 50 players.

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Meanwhile boomy (and rdruid) near unviable on prog raid because they just die to air :frowning:

Really bad class design in pve for R druid, everything is all spike damage now even dots/trickle damage. Traditional HOT effects are essentially useless. MW/Rdruid were some of the worst heals you could take to M+ or raid this season .

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False. Rets healing is in the trash
“Muh loh” one button

Enhance is the biggest offender with their offhealing and maybe sp. But hybrid healing is dead and everyone elses healing has gone up

hey buddy i no u not sayin ret is :poop: n enh is good

Show me where I mentioned any spec being good or bad please

please just remove whole rogue class and everybody will happy.

The actual only hybrid with decent self-healing, yes.

Yeah, those 8% hard casted heals are bananas. :roll_eyes:

Idk about that, boomy lock and mage gonna be a lot weaker if that happens XD

Another angle is just too many defensives all around between talents, hero talents and PvP talents.

Raids and Mythics have to be designed in such a way because players (in all games really) eat thru content so fast because info is so easy to find on the web

Double block/Cheat aren’t new, Mages and Rogues used to just fall over and actually lost tempo burning long defensives.

Hunters were actually dying a lot (ret in DF) because they cant sit 40+ yards away from mechanics like in the past.

Locks idk, they’ve been messing with their innate tankiness (demon armor/old destro mastery in the past) vs their mobility forever now

Before cheat death was a big trade off/risky now its just icing

Whenever I’m reminded of cheat dath (either when it procs or it is mentioned) I remember that pshero guy lol, is he still alive?

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