Is it Time for Multiple Guilds?

This is often the case. “Nobody talked in two hours, but i didnt say anything either, so im leaving”

Some people have ridiculous expectations for things that you will never meet and shouldnt even bother trying to meet. Like people that take direct messages to know when anything is and dont bother to check the discord, event calendar, or guild message etc etc… Then complain about nothing happening or not being invited…


This game is full of needy adults. Leading a guild, especially an RP guild, is such a mission. Every GM of an RP guild deserves presents and probably therapy vouchers or something.


I have a name.


No, GMs are the therapists. I have talked with so, so many guildies about their relationships, their jobs, their health, etc. And then they gquit.


Did you offer them a hot beverage and fresh from the oven chocolate chip cookies? I find that those two things go a long way in retaining needy peop… err I mean friends, happy.

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These people are red flags and I avoid them. Because it never goes well.

Also people that join and are overly enthusiastic, never last long either.

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As a officer in an old guild I would send mail to members with fetch quests or pvp kill orders requiring screenshots. We also had people do RP reports that required screenshots of themselves in zones with descriptions of how they executed their missions. On occasion we awarded gold, mogs, mounts and crafted gear along with guild rank promotions. Cool stuff mostly. Too bad the GL got a life-consuming job.


I’ve got some things like that starting up on in the WrA-RP Discord in November. I’ve got 2 different versions of things like this, actually. I’m excited to see how they work out.


Tabbed out?

I feel like most people I see now a days have multi screen set ups.
I use my 50inch tv as my screen for my PC so I just have WOW taking up most of the screen while I have discord and firefox in smaller windows up in the corners.

Besides, I enjoy dropping down on AFK Alliance for free Honor.

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General PSA: Please, please don’t make yourself a therapist to your guild members. It’s not good or healthy for you or them to form that kind of relationship.

Mental illness is not one’s fault but it is their responsibility. Encourage therapy and let the professionals do their thing.

(Obligatory disclaimer that therapy should be de-stigmatized, encouraged, and more accessible.)


There’s a reason I keep most of my guild discussions to guild-related things.

Occasional vents are fine but if you’re always screaming into someone’s DMs or a vent channel, you need to step back and calm down. I try to keep my public vents to things that are super minor and not depressing. “The store was closed when I went to go buy ice cream” kinda stuff.

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Helping friends is fine, there just has to be some balance in that. I am reminded of myself back in the old days as a 13 year old girl helping 30+ something men in online game lobbies with their relationship problems and I look back and wonder if that contributed to my own problems in my own head now (I’m 36 now) because I spent so much of my youth draining myself to be a psuedo therapist in World of Warcraft.


Kirsy, I can not help to notice that about 70% of character nametags has no guild affiliation. This tells me that many players are playing for several months at a time. Perhaps the current player base is far less socially inclined in-game compared to years past. These are thing Blizzard can not fix.


Yeah, lots of solo players in game.

And its kind of a problem Blizz has helped create and cater to. Delves and Solo dungeons… Blitz…


I’m overly enthusiastic. I last at least 30 minu— awwwww.


I’ll never forget this person in Shadowlands who started gushing after we downed Vamp Daddy about how proud he was of all of us and how we’re all going to do so much together and blah blah blah – I was thinking “that’s the last we’ll see of them” and sure enough, it was lol


Kind of crazy isnt it? If you’ve been around long enough you can notice it right away. And if you say anything people think you’re crazy. “they’re just nice!” “ok…” *gquits later that night


So when I join your guild, my first words in chat should be “Hey. This is cool. I guess.”

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I’d never let you join.

Linthael, were you the one were we took turns ganking one another in a BG yesterday?