Is it Time for Multiple Guilds?

Also I need to change this hood, the number of people with them on here is too high.

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To chime in on related points… IGCs aside, WoW really, really needs updates to its core chat system. Name or role pings in guild and community chats, Listener-esque bleeps for keywords and names… the list goes on. With the spellbook and other areas of the game getting UI face lifts, I’m holding out for the social aspects of WoW too.


All I got is a bag of chips and some storm dust to spare, sorry dog

Don’t ask me where my 90 dollars went

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Spot a bronto, spot a sucker. Too bad they never have any money tho, because they blow it all on impulse buys.

My biggest trouble with in-game communities has been that their chat channels keep mysteriously disappearing from my chatbox no matter how many times I tell them to appear there.

I’d join a community. It would be talkative, and I’d want to be in the loop, so I’d tell it to route community chat messages to the main tab of my chatbox. It’s weird that community chat messages don’t get sent to your chatbox by default, but in any case I’d set this up and things would roll along as intended for a while.

Then one day, I’d realize that I hadn’t seen any messages from [Community Name] in some time. I’d open up the community pane to check things out and discover that it had been just as talkative as ever the whole time, but for some reason, it wasn’t set to show up in my chatbox anymore.

So I’d fix it. And it would work for a few weeks. And then it would stop working again. Over and over, with community after community. I found this frustrating. It’s not the only reason why I haven’t joined an in-game community in years, but it is the first thing that comes to mind when I think about the merits of doing so.

When creating communities of my own, I also found the rank system disappointing because:

  • There was no apparent way to add or remove ranks
  • There was no apparent way to rename ranks (RIP my aesthetic naming conventions)
  • A run-down on what permissions each rank possessed was weirdly hard to find
  • There was no apparent way to adjust those permissions

I expect that for many people’s use-cases, the ranks work fine, but I wish they worked more like they do in guilds and am curious about why they don’t.


This is my biggest gripe with them, and I usually tell people to remove it and re-add it to their chat window when they first log in with FLAK.

But THIS would be a huge improvement to that. lol

Rankings would be nice, and a way to edit their perms. I think it is intended to be just a very quick and easy “hey im doing this, anyone want to come?” chat window, and not anything more. Not meant to be Guild 2.0

But saying that, the Guilds leave a lot to be desired themselves…


Which one is the secret orc coffee shop RP server.


That’s my personal DMs.
What’ll it be?

I’d like a white chocolate mocha. Forgot to pick one up on my way to the shift at Orgrimmar’s front gate

Discord is just better and I can talk to people and stay connected with my gaming pals without having to be in the game.

Also this - I was in a few, including the WRA community and it kept disappearing from my chat box :dracthyr_lulmao:


It’s not meant to be or replace discord.

Yes Discord can do what it does, and more.

But it’s not in game and immediate. Plus not everyone wants to be in 40 discords…

I need something that I can scowl over the rim of as I drink it, suspiciously, from across the room.

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Best I can do is carbonated hot chocolate. The fizz will get into your nose, so scowling and scrungling up your face is the only way to not have scalded nostrils.

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I’m starting to see why not a lot of people come here.


So it’s probably for the best you don’t ask about our bourbon frappuccino on the rocks.

Personally I would love this. TBH, we have already had folks be a member another guilds but be Wolfmane as well. We called them out of guild members.

I really would like to see more of the Earthen Ring on WrA and an Cenarion Circle community. I am a member of the one corss-server Earthen Ring but haven’t been active enough due to RL and other obligations.

This is mine as well. I tried to make some, both for my guild and others. This also led guildies to only using Guild chat, leaving the community chat a ghost town.


Yes, it’s way past time for multi-guild characters IMO.

The ‘communities’ feature should have filled this need but the UX/UI design is so poor that it’s basically just an annoyance IMO.

They had such an opportunity to revitalize the social aspects of the game with that feature and instead it was implemented in a terrible state and never fixed.

A huge revamp is needed for the guild UX/UI as well. It should have some top-level nav (tabs, maybe) for each guild you’re in.

And giphy integration. Some emotions are too complex to express with words. Only clips from 80s movies and memes will do.


Oh, please this. The guild UI/UX is horrifically outdated, and don’t get me started on guild banks being worse.

I know it liekly won’t happen but if the Brutosaur windfall can be put into QoL developments (and raises for freshly-unionized Blizzard employees), I’d be very happy.


Should be noted, those other games, ESO in particular… you are not able to choose a guild per character. All of your characters belong to the guilds you are in, and you are maxed out at 4-5…

Because, social guilds which do all that just don’t exist? I mean, we’re technically a social guild, but since RP in our downtime is first and foremost, that’s what we’re labeled… despite having raid occasionally and officers for it and other PVE content.

If you’re not happy in a social guild you joined, one of two things is holding you back: 1. you, or barring that, 2. the guild. My experience is that people who complain guilds were too quiet didn’t bother to initiate conversation, so for the most part I suspect most folks are going to not get past 1.