you seem to conventiently forget that doesnt change cant ignore age.
Yeah, tell people with PTSD to “grow up” and “get over it”. No wonder military veterans are treated so badly in this country. You know absolutely nothing about mental health, so you have no room to talk about it.
Honestly I don’t really understand why you brought this up in the first place, and last time I checked he’s not exactly struggling to move around.
So, are we really going to do this every single time anyone tries to discuss Anduin now?
Let me refer you guys back to what I said last November after Blizzcon when much of the current Anduin hate seemed to really begin to pick up momentum.
Let me try putting this another way and hopefully not turn this into a political debate regarding the real world:
If you haven’t been to war yourself, experienced PTSD, seen friends die horribly, or known someone that has experienced the sorts of demons that follow you following those experiences, then you’ve honestly got no room to be critical of Anduin or his mental state coming into this expansion.
I think every single person that has mocked Anduin since the first trailer for TWW dropped has shown just how simple and pampered their own life has been if the only things they are capable of doing are laughing at him, or saying he needs to grow up.
^ This guy actually gets it.
The fedora-lovers are back
Honestly I understand that Anduin been through some real serious and chaotic moments in his life, I just think it’s not right that he has Velen who taught him the ways of the light completely absent in his crisis of faith and Genn who on the flip side lost his son, also absent at this time after he has given up his role as King of Gilneas. The real issue here is that the writers don’t seem to be able to do this justice, I hope to be proven wrong but even then there’s so much other nonsense going on that I don’t hold much hope in that.
I’ve touched on this a little bit in lore discussions before, but I think the issue here is we’re applying real world logic and timeframes to a video game story, as well as ignoring the fact that game mechanics tend to function VERY differently from how things actually work within lore.
If my current memory of the timeline is correct, Anduin was rescued from The Maw in 36 ADP after spending roughly a year as a prisoner. At some point during this year, Zovaal eventually dominates him. After all of that, Anduin leaves on his own. Dragonflight starts in 40 ADP, and one of the conversations you can overhear is Genn and Turalyon discussing that Shaw’s agents had been investigating potential sightings of Anduin, but didn’t have any solid information to go on.
For him to remain that far under the radar for FOUR YEARS within the lore, Anduin would have to know they were actively looking for him, and he would then have to actively be avoiding everyone and covering his tracks. Now, I haven’t read The Calling yet, but I’ve at least read a basic plot summary of it. The short version is that Anduin spends the year we were in the Dragon Isles living under an assumed name and working on a farm. Events within the story force him to pick up his sword again, and in the aftermath he hears the Radiant Song and travels to the Barrens. This is where Shaw and Genn finally manage to pick up his trail, at which point Thrall and Jaina catch up to him.
Now, it’s easy to say that Genn and Velen had plenty of time to meet up with him as from our point of view the events that start the expansion take several weeks of real time, but as far as lore is concerned? While we don’t have a confirmed timeframe, it isn’t outside the realm of possibility to assume that the following events are merely a handful of hours and possibly no more than a day:
- Thrall finally meeting Anduin after being gone for five years (TWW Trailer)
- Jaina, Thrall, Anduin, and the PC meeting Magni (keep in mind Anduin was already in Silithus)
- Moving Magni to Dalaran, followed by the destruction
Keep in mind that a mage teleporting something isn’t the simple task that it is in the game. Just teleporting themself is already a mentally draining feat, 2-5 people even more so. Actively maintaining an open portal takes multiple mages, and at best you can only get a small group through before the portal collapses. By the time Velen and Genn have word that Anduin has been found and contacted, Dalaran has already been destroyed, and preparations need to be made to gather the fleet and sail to Dorn as Dalaran being destroyed makes any situation where sending folks quickly a logistically complex endeavor if not currently impossible. Considering the fact that it takes a couple months to send a ship from the Eastern Kingdoms to Kalimdor or Northrend, when we see the fleet arrive, that actually means lorewise everyone other than Thrall and Jaina have been on Dorn for several weeks if not one or two months.
From a logistical standpoint, you also can’t just send everyone that might want to have a chat with Anduin to Dorn just because he’s there. Genn might not be the king anymore, but as the retaking of Gilneas is still extremely recent in the lore, and you don’t just rebuild an entire kingdom that has sat destroyed or otherwise occupied for well over a decade overnight, he is likely indisposed for the moment. Same goes for Velen as he likely has his own hands full with the eredar that have recently broken away from the Legion.
Even if Blizzard tosses in a cutscene/meeting for the sake of it, it will likely be several months as far as the lore is concerned before Anduin finally gets a chance to sit down with either Velen or Genn.
I commend your efforts in documenting this lore, I just hope that the writers put in as much effort as you have gathering the information and don’t fumble the ball hard.
It’s what passes for drama nowadays.
Way too much typing for such a low-effort post. Sad.
“She gave my people a second chance after they helped a dictator build a WOMD that destroyed everyone and everything she loved. How the hell dare she not apologize for arresting them and killing those who fought back when they gave the dictator a SECOND WOMD!”
Practice what you preach, instead of nit-picking a fantasy story in a video game.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone include the O in that acronym, which made me read womb at first, which made this a very confusing post to get through for a moment there.
Never mind.
As we all know, all trauma and mental issues can be solved by telling them “grow up”. Obligatory /s.
Well, I’m sure things will be handled fine, but I have a distinct feeling it’s going to be that issue that plagues WoW year after year:
It’s how we always wind up with some of these situations to begin with:
- They want to sell a novel
- Said novel contains some pretty damn important info, character/lore development, etc.
- Game fails to address this new info
At best, players are then left scratching their heads trying to figure out what quest chain they missed without realizing that there just ISN’T a quest chain.
At worst, you get people ruthlessly mocking a young man that has spent the last 16 years of his life watching various friends and family constantly die, fighting in multiple wars he didn’t want, and being forced to come to terms with the fact that peace isn’t always an option (in contrast to his father learning that war isn’t the only option) since in their eyes he’s just being a big baby about “being mind controlled for a short time lol!”
To this day, I still say the most egregious case of important lore essentially being stuck behind a paywall is Calia going from being a priest order hall champion, to suddenly being undead in BfA.
I’ve said it many times, and it bears repeating: I won’t begrudge companies that wish to make money, and I recognize that Blizzard clearly has contracts with publishers for comics, novels, etc.
However, if you’re going to put something major into a book, AT LEAST ADDRESS IT WITHIN THE GAME! I’m not saying put 200+ pages of a novel into multiple Kojima length cutscenes that make up 80% of a game with only 2-3 hours of actual gameplay, but at least try to give a Cliff Notes version of the important info that is absolutely need to know inside of a 1-2 minute cutscene of some kind.
It’s funny how some of you guys think you have some sort of “got ‘em” by bringing real life situations into this discussion.
Nobody is talking about speaking this way to someone IRL suffering from PTSD or whatever. At least, I hope they’re not.
I would never say this to someone IRL but on the same token I am sick and tired of Anduin’s whining. He’s not a real character so he does not have PTSD so therefore there is nothing wrong with telling the writers Anduin is annoying and he sucks.
I’m tired of the vengeful female character (which is usually an elf.)
I’m tired of the whiny male (Saurfang and Anduin) that mopes around all xpac.
These character tropes are overplayed and they need new material. Or maybe go back to material we have seen in 4 or 5 xpacs. Illidan was fun. He regretted nothing.
Yeah god forbid people have and show emotions
It would have been better if the alliance was able to keep their former king and cryduin died instead.
I mean, fiction reflects reality.
He might not be a real person, but real people do have PTSD, and they read comments like yours.
Just throwing that out there.