Is It Time for Anduin (and the Whole Cast) to Finally Grow Up?

So, are we really going to do this every single time anyone tries to discuss Anduin now?

Let me refer you guys back to what I said last November after Blizzcon when much of the current Anduin hate seemed to really begin to pick up momentum.

Let me try putting this another way and hopefully not turn this into a political debate regarding the real world:
If you haven’t been to war yourself, experienced PTSD, seen friends die horribly, or known someone that has experienced the sorts of demons that follow you following those experiences, then you’ve honestly got no room to be critical of Anduin or his mental state coming into this expansion.

I think every single person that has mocked Anduin since the first trailer for TWW dropped has shown just how simple and pampered their own life has been if the only things they are capable of doing are laughing at him, or saying he needs to grow up.

^ This guy actually gets it.