Is it time for 3 primary professions?

I would like to get community feedback on increasing the number of primary professions to 3. The limit of 2 is there from the beginning and later 2 new professions were added without increasing the limit.
Increasing the limit to 3 will allow tailors to also get a pair of gathering + crafting professions instead of choosing enchanting. Herbalists can have both alchemy + inscription and miners can choose 2 of blacksmithing, jewelcrafting and engineering.
This will decrease the need for profession alts and allow us to dedicate more time to our mains and main alts.


This would ruin the AH economic even more, it’s good that people need other people for materials, as well as the option to go on an alt.


I like the option of three professions or the option of having all professions.

The speech that it will end up hurting the auction house should have been made before the introduction of the WoW Token. Nothing is more devastating on the auction house than the legal injection of real money through the sale of WoW Token within the game.

I’d rather focus on developing my account with one character than waste my time on secondary characters.


That doesn’t mean it should be ruined even more, however.