Is it the Horde's fault that Zandalar is attacked?

Sure. Don’t get me wrong. I think there is reason enough for the Alliance to assault Dazaralor.

I was just addressing an opinion about why they didn’t attack other locations. In my post, I even made arguments why other Horde cities would be bad ideas. Leaving Dazaralor as a ripe target.

This also I agree with. It seems having different versions of events is a way to antagonize the player base and hand-wave inconsistencies.

I know the whole languages thing doesn’t make much sense to begin with. But since there seems to be a difference in wording, I do wonder about the use of languages.

If Genn is fluent in Zandali, or Rasta and his scout are fluent with Common. The latter would be more likely, I am guessing.

Or Maybe Genn learned the phrase in Zandali to address Rastakahn - and used the wrong words. Or was taught a vicious phrase in Zandali while thinking he was saying something less antagonistic.

who knows, honestly i think this is a poor way to try and paint the opposing faction as bad to you, unreliable narrators or something being lost in translation just feel off to me

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What opened the Zandalari open to attack was a very lazily written heist scene where they steal a fog machine and basically pull off a “made you look”. The alliance has been trying to wipe out trolls for generations, this isn’t the horde sfault, nor should anyone think it was, in fact, because of the horde, the alliance attack on Dazar’Alor was a failure, the city still stands, the Alliance blockade had been destroyed, and the Alliance was forced to retreat, knowing that what they had done had only strengthened the bond between the Horde and the Zandalari Empire.

They didn’t Start a war, they were already at war before the burning of Teldrassil. if ANYONE started the conflict, it was Greymane for attacking forsaken ships in Stormheim for no reason besides “you left us!” despite knowing at this point that Vol’jin died and their forces were being routed. but now that the Horde has balls again, the Alliance are crying. Isn’t it funny how Anduin is completely oblivious to the fact that Genns forces were deliberately engaging with the forsaken despite the legion invasion? isn’t it also a bit hypocritical how greymanes way of repaying the elves involved him desecrating and building war bases on top of Warden towers?or how about how Genn straight up destroyed the future for the Forsaken, because he was mad that his son died, despite the fact that he was ordered to respect a stand still? isn’t it also funny how despite Variann begging for the alliance to try and work with the horde, their first instinct after variann dies is to start fighting the horde again? but please in your mind please tell me, how did the horde start the war?


I see a whole lot of ranting on your end. Genn rightfully attacked Sylvanas for the wrong reasons. Main reason being vengeance (which is justified) but he shouldve bid his time and waited. Also she was screwing over a faction aligned with us to destroy the Legion. During said invasion no less.

The Forsaken have a future. They kill someone, raise them, that person decides to join up…where have you been?

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It is the Hordes arrival that caused Zanadalar to be attacked. It is also the Hordes arrival that prevented them from being Blood Troll sacrifices.


Something I wouldn’t mind asking Telanji is if she knew she would lose her father as a price for joining with the Horde, would she still do it? Considering we did save her nation from becoming G’Huun’s festering ground, I would like to think she would say yes. It would be a sad choice but to be honest, Rastakhan would probably have made it too. As would any competent leader.

I doubt she had much of a choice. Telanji left to seek help from the Horde under the false pretenses that she was going exploring. Rastakhan likely relented under the condition she take Zul with her (likely Zul did some whispering to make sure he’d be there), which she could hardly refuse without drawing attention.

Half the arguments in this thread sound like spousal abuse. “It’s your fault Horde, you just made me so angry I had to kill your Rastakhan!”


Could very well be true, but everyone should have known that traveling with Zul was a bad idea given the stuff he started.

But given the complete lack on information we have been given on how/why Talanji ended up in the stockades, being in Zul’s entourage (so to speak, even if he was just in her entourage) logically the most valid reason for the Alliance to have arrested them. Zul is a known adversary and no one would know when he might start the next problem.

Perhaps they should, but I have to ask the question. Did the Alliance throw Telanji and Zul into a jail because Zul, or did they put them in jail because they were seeking help from the Horde?

vengeance is never justified, that’s why doomhammer called Thrall a B-word and left him.

screwed yhou over how? they had to retreat because they were being overrun, if your leaders didn’t jump the gun and immediately start assaults in stormheim, Teldrassil would still be standing. also you seem to have forgot the whole reason Sylvanas went to Stormheim, to ensure her peoples immortality, shes also losing Val’kyr faster than most people lose socks, so no, this idea that the forsaken will always be fine is a ill-formed idea that ignores an entire zone arc within Legion.

Actually everything that went down in Stormheim with Genn traces back to the forsaken invasion of Gilneas. Sylvanas doesn’t invade Gilneas, Genn wouldn’t be in Stormheim looking for revenge. Everything that happened to her and the forsaken is entirely their own fault.

I also doubt that Sylvanas was in Stormheim for her people’s sake but for her own. And given she was there to enslave Eyir and her Val’kyr against their will I don’t think she gets much sympathy, in fact given the free will debate is supposed to be one of the forsaken’s themes, she shouldn’t be getting any sympathy trying to take away another’s free will.

They made a temporary stand still to fight the legion, Genn violated that stand still. literally everything from stormheim to right now is Genns fault. and as for sympathy, these are the same creatures who slaughtered us in Northrend. Eyir is a xenophobic statue that hates you unless you are vykrul. Its also Helyas place to help Sylvanas, since Helya was the original mother of the Val’kyr, who after betraying Odyn was banished to Helhiem. to say that eyir or the Val’kyr necessarily deserve mercy is debatable.

Nothing you said changes the fact that Genn wanted vengance for what went down in Gilneas and that if Sylvanas/forsaken did not invade Gilneas then there would have been no problems in Stormheim. Root cause of the entire thing was the invasion of Gilneas.

And regardless of Eyir or her follows behavior or views, is “free will” a forsaken theme or just an excuse for good PR? Kinda hard to be taken seriously on that when you are running around taking others’ free will. Isn’t that why the arguements over Sira Moonwarden and Delaryn Summermoon get so toxic, cause the free will angle isn’t showing through clearly and logically?

vengeance is never justified. that being said, the fact that his son died means nothing, hes lucky sylvanas didn’t resurrect him. that’s a fallacy, since there would have been no problem despite the invasion of gilneas, if Genn would just follow the orders of his king, and not start a 3 way war with the horde. When you say free will, what do you mean? resurrection? because nobody chooses to die. also the Val’kyr don’t have free will at all, they are constructs. the argument of free will doesn’t apply to them.

I’d just like to point out that by the same logic as this thread title its the Alliance’s fault Garrosh destroyed the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

As for the Genn side argument, this boils down to Garrosh was the root cause of Genn and Slyvanas’ feud, since he’s the one who forced the invasion to come to a head instead of merely being one of Slyvanas’ eventually plans.

Though claiming the Gilneans are without fault beforehand is disingenuous since Forsaken did have the valid grievance of Gilneas staying behind the wall instead of helping at all against the Scourge, and even worse turning away refugees who managed to flee the Scourge.


So they are guilty of the same thing the High Elves did?

A few High Elves tried to help before Arthas attacked Quel’thalas.

After the fall of the Sun Well we tried to help eventually, sadly the defacto leader of the nation, since Calia was AWOL playing house, was a racist ****** who thought new allies that weren’t human was a treasonous idea.

Thats my point.
Until Arthas attacked the High Elves were happy to sit behind their barrier.

Which kind of explains Garithos’ hatred.
The plague afterall was magical in nature and the High Elves were the closest and best positioned to deal with it.