Is it possible to write victory without being lol evil?

yeah but the attack is after the zandalari join and help the horde, in fact, they attack boralus before the raid.

that is not anduin, is jaina, and is not to pursuit the horde, is only not attack during the funeral, they will keep attacking after that
but yeah, the alliance keeps being stupidly lawful good just to save the horde because if the alliance goes full morally black, the horde would be gone by now.

as for the thread, i don’t know about the rest of my fellow alliance players but 8.1 is a victory for me, we achieved our objectives, we killed and raided the horde, and we didn’t lose anybody of importance in the process. and the horde didn’t get any of their objectives.

The horde is in a so bad shape that they depend on deus ex derek retcon to win the war, apparently.
i don’t know why the hell blizzard is so bad at writing faction war but here we are.