Is it Possible to make 120k for Yak Mount?

One of the goals I have set myself is to finally acquire the transmog yak. I noticed that it is on the vendor for the original price.

My character has 14k gold so far, but I don’t know how I’ve acquired it. Does anyone know what rewards gold in remix? I’ve considered selling legendary gems, but I don’t know what value to sell them for.

Ultimatley, I’m not sure if this goal is actually obtainable. I’d appreciate any tips that could help me get there if I can. Thanks.

Why not just buy it outside of Remix?


Buy it in retail where you can earn 1mil gold per month easy as a casual.


Because I don’t have that kind of gold. Most people don’t.

It’s 120k gold, that’s not that bad.

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I was under the assumption that the price was increased in retail. I see now that only the rep discount was removed. I feel dumb, thanks.


I’m baffled by you wondering if you can earn 100k gold in remix because you don’t have that much in retail where it would be like 100x easier to earn that much gold


I have this feeling you’re baffled often.

After remix it will move to a 5million mount.

Wow. Blizz really loves to screw their customers for no reason at all.

No worries, it happens, I once spent ten minutes trying to find my sunglasses, which were on the top of my head.


He’s messing with you.

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Lol. We’ve all been there. I spent hours one day looking for my phone. I finally gave up, and then found that it was in my pocket all along.

It is far easier to make gold in the regular game than in remix. I would buy the yak there.

Think my first guy who is maxed out has like 20,000 gold on him. I wouldn’t want to attempt to farm enough in remix to get that yak.


In Remix, gold pretty much just comes from quest rewards and the very rare bit of vendor trash (like treasures you might have collected for the zone achievements). So you’ll passively collect gold while questing or doing random activities, but it’s practically pocket change.

My Remix main has about 13k and that’s from being active and doing all the quests in most of the zones, and so forth. Alts have anywhere from 600 gold to 2000. I agree that trying to farm gold in Remix is kind of a fool’s errand and might not even be possible without running multiple characters and getting help trading gold between them.

By comparison, you can probably earn 120k in retail in a week or two… world quests, running old raids and selling everything that drops to vendors, selling stuff on the AH, even questing and getting rewards there. Much easier.


Been playing remix since day 1, and I’m just shy of 40k. Since most of that came from non-repeatable quests, there’s a fair chance that it might be mathematically impossible to hit 120k by the end of the event.

Unless you get super lucky with Ordon Ceremonial Robes or the treasure keys in Mogu-shan Palace…

Edit: Can remix characters send gold to each other? If so you could make alts and clear Loremaster with them. Super boring though.

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No. It gives the same error whenever you try to mail one for any reason.

“Recipient cannot receive mail”.


You can trade gold with other Remix Characters.

My husband wanted to open all his bank slots, but ran shy of gold on the last 2 so i traded him 500G.

Do dailies for an hour for 5-6 days in retail…congrats enjoy your mount.


If you really want to as a challenge, best I can think of is;

  • Do quests in all zones
  • Do Troves of the Thunder King daily

And then the only repeatable gold “farm” I can think of;

  • Make a level 20 trial account so that you stay in that level bracket, and spam random dungeons with it in your party aiming to get Scarlet Halls. The treasurers drop piles of gold on death, worth I think 5 to 10 gold each.

But honestly just hop on retail, and do world quests/solo old raids and sell garbage/gather and sell stuff there. It’ll be so much faster than slogging it out in remix.