Go to ‘tumblr’ and search Draenei. I don’t want a vacation. :B
Can u guys stop posting shirtless pictures
ima kid
Google image search ‘Draenei rule 34’.
Gross 10char
That hammer!
Yearns in draenei
Isn’t Lantresor of the blade a half orc Draenei?
Oh yes. For instance, there’s this one with a Blood Elf and the four pretty Draenei pulling her carriage… They look positively scrumptious in bit and bridle.
Who doesn’t like the Draenei?
I think there good looking
There voices are a little annoying tho…
You used the wrong “there” twice in one post!
I have to take away your tusks now.
i be a troll, i talk and spell how i like mon
dont like it, take it up with the voodoo
Unian:And OP, I’m sorry, you probably mean the females, but the pics I wanna share probably will give me a vacation…
Share them on discord, now
I want to see too.
nah man it’s not ok
you should go for worgen instead
Those fluffy buns are going to get me a vacation one day!
Good for you!
Invite? That sounds gr8.
didn’t the orcs use draenei souls to power their dark portal? not to mention they turned the draenei in shattrath to broken? if I remember correctly
I searched for something Draenei a few months back and was mildly troubled at all of the poorly written erotic fan fiction I stumbled on.
OP is a mag’har, he doesn’t know. Please, don’t tell him, he’ll be gutted. D:
didn’t the orcs use draenei souls to power their dark portal? not to mention they turned the draenei in shattrath to broken? if I remember correctly
The Draenor Department of Public Works paved the old I-10 with them too. Lot of people don’t realize that orcs are very big into recycling and repurposing.