Is it normal to have 30 fps in ashran with this spec?

Hi im having extremely low fps in epic bgs like ashran, i have 90-140 in world but when i do epic bgs my fps go to 30-50 is it normal?
My cpu temperature is around 30º-40º and gpu 50º
My specs are:
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060
Intel core i7-9700k 3.60Ghz
16GB RAM DDR4 Crucial Ballistix

Ashcan kills everyones computer regardless of spec.

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Espeically if you have the (what i’d refer to as) “Wasted” settings cranked all the way up, yeah.

Shadows, Water, the Draw Distance and environment sliders all murder FPS for almost no visual gain.

Try turning them down. Draw Distance and Environmental Detail in particular are fine at 7 . Going up a lot further butchers performance for not a lot of extra visual fidelity (you probably wouldnt even notice until someone pointed it out to you), Shadows are similar. Turn them down from Ultra High to High. You wont notice much of a difference and itll h elp a lot with framerate.