Is it normal for a monitor to wobble?

I am not certain if it’s normal i mean it could be my desk being slightly off due to a floor mat under it’s front left foot. but everytime im typing this monitor is wobbling like a mfer.

it’s a 49" ultra wide. upgraded just today from i think a 27" not sure flat monitor i used for idk like 8 years now maybe. the old and smaller monitor did the exact same thing though.

i followed all directions according to setup. i only have 1 extra piece which i am almost certain is a wall mount.

this monitor is a samsung G9. tightened all the screws good didn’t under tighten them or extremely over tighten and i checked twice just incase. it’s on a flat surface otherwise besides for the floor mat issue and only wobbles a lot when typing

probably more to do with your desk surface than the monitor.

i just cleared my desk was dusty af so i had to remove everything and wipe it down but i just adjusted the stand part to make sure it was fully on the desk because i have a small gap in the back by the wall for cables but even that didn’t do much.

this table shakes pretty easily too i mean it’s not a expensive desk just one of those cheap desks with poop frame and press wood everything. fairly new though.

May need to tighten up connectors on that hold the desk together. Not unusual for them to loosen a bit over time.

I still have a very old pressed wood desk that was almost trash. Took some plywood to the back of it and cut openings for cables. Still very solid after almost going to the dump 6 years ago.

Yeah I’d say it’s probably your desk moving more.

Also are you a hard typer?

i might be i mean i don’t recall not ever having this issue with with the wider and bigger monitor it is more noticeable and i dont want it to say tip over.

as for the desk i’ll try to tighten it if i can find the damn screws to tighten it. might have to remove the drawers. but only wobbles left to right not front to back

If its heavier, it’s more likely to be affected by the desk being wiggly.

You could get a different type of monitor stand? I am using a triple monitor vesa stand. The ones that live on the left and right wiggle when I type hard, the center one doesn’t.

thanks for the help/suggestions. imma try see how it is for now i mean it’s not a huge deal new monitor just plugged it in few mins ago so maybe i will adjust. eventually fix it later just was worried it might tip over