Is it just me, or

Describe the toxicity then, without naming names, in a way that its obvious that it was coming from a casual.

Sure. The 1200 rating tank I mentioned said the rest of the group was “dumb stupid” because the Healer kept failing to get to a pool in time on the last boss of Ara-Kara.

Said tank also frantically walked on top of me and the healer with the poison jets, even when we’d back off of melee entirely to avoid the mess.

That’s it, for that interaction. We still pulled again. He left after that pull went similarly, and we went on with our lives. A little bit of a laugh about the “dumb stupid” comment the tank had made.

I genuinely have no other toxicity in recent memory.

This is not true. You’re right the forum population is small, but you’re going to need hard evidence that they represent the average in any remote fashion.

This works primarily because of how the populations are chosen and how votes are actually quantified (electoral college)

The forums aren’t a controlled demographic.

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Appreciate the one, truly. I’d figure human beings being as they are you’d be able to at least give me one.

The forum comments in the last week alone speak of many many more than just one instance of hardcore players being toxic. The example sample size is different for sure.

You’ll have to speak with statistic experts to get that, I just play one on tv. But I stand by what I’ve said, and think I am correct (but honestly willing to be corrected if wrong).

Well the electoral college is not why polls using a small percentage of the voting population works, has nothing to do with it actually. Its about interviewing and choosing the pool of voters you interrogate.

As far as these forums go, they seem though to have all the types of players (casual, elite, hardcore, immature, mature, high-on-somthing, etc.) of all classes/specs, in similar proportions.

I’d bet the forums are more representative of the in-game population than they are not.

Same posters arguing same crap every expansion. So tired of the apologists on these forums just constantly crapping on people giving honest feedback.

If can’t see the rampant toxicity in WoW, then I don’t know what to say here, maybe you are insulated from it because you play with a static group or only with guildies, but its there, and has only gotten worse.

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I think people perceive hardcore players where there are none, often. Not dissimilar to how anyone beating you is a sweaty nerd, but when you win you’re just built different. If you’re familiar with the joke.

I’m too lazy to do that much work, so I’ll shrug and let this lie.

The Electoral College effectively condenses the popular vote in a fashion that favors certain areas more than others. It means that any survey you do is necessarily biased per area - and that you can leverage this to make predictions that seem eerily accurate.

If you know how the most influential parts of a swing state are voting, you can get a good idea of how that state will vote.

One of the most prolific ‘hardcore’ posters is Brewa, and the dude is a certifiable nut with views that don’t match most of what you’ll see or hear from influencers in a similar position.

Some of the most prolific casual posters whine about addons being cheats.

This isn’t to say that there is never an alignment of the actual average and the odd post on here, but frankly, vocalization of a perceived toxicity problem has been going on at least since TBC, and you can see evidence of that on Wowhead’s forums.

What I quoted earlier is apt; people have a negativity bias.

You should also consider some are paid to be here, purposely trying to shape a narrative a certain way. We live in that age now.

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Has nothing to do with how polling on a subset of the votiing population is done.

Its only taken into consideration when interpreting the polling, after the polling has been done.

What I described is polling on a subset of the voting population.

Well, doesn’t mean they’re not representative of a portion of the overall gaming population

Haven’t ever seen that. /shrug

Moving goalposts.

I’m talking about when a company surveys potential votes to see how they would vote and how they think about various voting topics.

Seems like a bit of hand waving away information you just don’t want to admit that could be right, but you do you.

Stick around, I’m sure the topic will crop up again soon enough.

They represent the forums.

No, but you did;

Been here since Vanilla. /shrug

Sure. But the forums represent the average, just like Ion.

Now we’re going in full circle.

They represent a portion of the in-game population. They are not two mutually exclusive things.

You may be trying to. You’re cornered, and all the intelligence I respected from you has gone by the wayside for some reason. Disappointing and frustrating.

I’m not sure who you hang out with in game but I don’t see too many people in game who sit around crying and whining the whole time like the average forum goer does.

Man keep up if you’re gonna quote me. I don’t want to add a /s every time I’m sarcastic.

My bad. I did just hop in at the end. :stuck_out_tongue:

To be fair this portion has never been considered representative of the in-game population as a whole because this is a place for primarily 2 things:

  1. People more invested in this game than average to come talk about it
  2. People to complain in a place where they think the developers are more likely to see it

That skews what kind of person hangs out in this place away from what the actual average player looks like.

I also would take threads complaining about hardcore players with a grain of salt because people will accuse people of just about anything if it fits their narrative.

After all as the old saying goes: Everybody better than me needs to get a life. Everybody worse than me is just a scrub.