Is it just me or was Gilneas Reclamation SEVERELY disappointing?

Honest to god… The second I saw the final “?” indicating the turn in, I really really thought this was gonna be the end of the first quest arc, and then we would get the second part of the arc, and a third, etc. I guess I was foolishly expecting the Campaign like quest. I mean, FFS, this is Gilneas!! People were screaming for them to make it relevant again and resurrect the place.

So I do the turn in, watch a painfully mischaracterized long long speel about the chick and her now weirdly feeble father, (Also totally against character of who he ALWAYS was in the past, a rock hard, never give up, get in your face character.)

Then my screen lights up with all these “achievements” for running around killing stuff, (BTW, It took me well under 10 min because the place was absolutely loaded and all you did was run around and tag everything once and watch your kill requirement tick off…

…And it was over…

Yes…Disappointment and a sense of loss was my feeling after completing it.

Abd to top it all off…The only difference I saw after we liberated Gilneas…

Was that the scarlet baddies just despawned, and there were like the 3 NPCs standing around looking out into the bay.

Did I miss something here, or was I expecting too much?


You didn’t miss anything, and you were not expecting too much, Blizzard just waited over a decade to give us Gilneas back and did it in a side quest.


Demonic influence at the highest level of the order has been purged. This was not the intent or original goals of the Crusade. All undead, however, will be purged.

the battle for gilneas 2.0 needs to be redone in a whole patch for its own. its actually embarrassing they just gave us a 10 min run down. embarrassing. blizz lost its touch so bad.


Shaka, when the walls fell… that’s how I viewed the reclaiming. So much potential lost, and disappointing as a result.

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This CC member puts into words perfectly what I was thinking with my post:

Continuing the discussion from Over 10 Years in the Making - The Ultimate Disrespect to the Worgen Community:

It feels so nonsense, I swear. It is a complete bloody joke.


The Worgen are severely in need in several upgrades. Let alone they haven’t done anything to the claw attack animation says it all. As a Worgen I would love to rip into the enemies as Warrior or Rogue. It’s one of the rare races, which is exclusive to the Alliance but they are treated as humans. It makes absolutely no sense.


Felt like there was about 2 weeks development time spent on it. About as much as I would expect.


LoL, I was going to say “here’s your 10 minutes of Content” now you have all this time (and you’re going to need it) for dragon racing.

Still need a dang flight point for Gilneas…

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Yup. Would have been better off just releasing a cinematic to tell this story.

Overall, the whole Gilneas/Worgen concept was shortchanged. As one of the main 7 kingdoms, Gilneas should be rivaling Stormwind and Kultiras in terms of scope. Can only hope it’ll be built up more now that it’s been “reclaimed”. But I doubt it.

As for Worgen as a race, I would have been more impressed if they actually resemble the worgens in the game. Anyone notice how worgen NPCs can leap into the air like they’re in a Woo Ping wushu film? Be nice if we could do that in addition to using race specific melee attacks, actually shape shift into a worg to run, and not be forced to shape shift during combat…

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Yoshi P would of done it right…

We reclaimed the city!
Look we can see what’s behind these building doors now!
*Opens the door
Empty small square room
*Opens another door
Empty small square room

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We need more. Here’s my list:

  • Rename “Ruins of Gilneas” area to “Gilneas”.
  • Rename “Gilneas” banner in the city map to “Gilneas City”.
  • Add an Alliance City crest on the world map with the tag “Gilneas”.
  • Add ships to Stormwind and Bel’ameth from Keel Harbour and Stormglen Village respectively.
  • Add more NPCs throughout the zone: guards, patrols with hounds, hunters, fishers, traders, citizens, nobles…
  • Add one or more of the following: Barber, auctioneer, guild bank, transmogrifier,
  • Add trade chat functionality within the city.
  • Open up houses and move / add vendors in the Merchant square to the homes.
  • Portals - at least to Stormwind, maybe Kul Tiras?

This is all I have from the top of my head… but there’s always more than can be done IMO to expand, add depths and make city areas feel more vibrant, populated and useful. With that being said, it’s unlikely many more things will be added as it’s a Tier B City, or a Major outpost technically… so most amenities will of course continue to be provided in Stormwind, Orgrimmar and the current xpak’s current-content hub. I hope we’ll see cities revitalized, and even expanded someday. The Seneschal NPCs at the Cathedral and Manor suggest the rebuilding has just begun – so I hope we’ll see more additions and expansions to the various cities in the WorldSoul Saga (probably in Midnight 12.0 with the confirmed Quel’Thalas revamp, or any time after really…). Cities are an important aspect of making the MMO world feel alive :slight_smile:

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It felt more like them setting the stage for things down the line. Better than reading about it in a book, but it felt like a deliberate plot point to check off, than actual content.
The biggest win is getting the glasses.

Dragonflight has essentially the same exact amount of content shadowlands has in terms of actual worthwhile content… adding a 30 minute quest line every few months doesn’t justify that… we use to get meaningful content updates.

Yeah not anymore we don’t, this whole questline felt really rushed


It would take too many developer resources to make Gilneas into a proper capital city.

That or Genn and the Gilneans/Worgen are just that incompetent, which I wouldn’t put past them…

Too many developper to just put a barber, auctioneer, guild bank, transmogrifier, flight point, teleport to Stormwind?

Are you sure about that to place 6 NPC ?


I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if this was the case knowing blizzard lol