Is it just me or is resto bad?

Seems impossible to power heal.

Spam regrowth? lol… that doesn’t do anything.

WTB healing touch for a power heal so I can actually do some as needed power healing.

I put hots on everyone. Every hot possible and they all still dying. And when they lose 50% of their hp I have to hit regrowth like 3 or 4 times to get them up. And if I wait they get hit again and are at critical health and die.

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what game mode are you talking about?


No clue on the PvP front

But druid healers are up there in M+ and do very well in raids

I think for season 2 they’re A tier


Spamming regrowth with no HoTs up is definitely pretty weak and inefficient. I suck at healing but I know a thingy or two.


I know them well…oh wait nvm

No idea imagine it’s harder with the changes but supposedly its pretty good plus well have a ton of useful utility

levelling dungeons that’s why I’m scared to try mythics. Is it just gear dependent? the pulls were big but I’d be able to handle it on another healer.


Leveling dungeons are so horribly and stupidly imbalanced and improperly scaled. Don’t let it be the judge of what healing feels like.


I agree Axaron… I think that when you get to max level, and start optimizing your gear, you’ll find things feel a lot better

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Wouldn’t heal on anything else

Are you using germination as a talent? That helps quite a bit.


I have two healers, both have their 4 set and both are about 432ilv. A resto druid and a resto shammy…whenever I go to my druid, everything feels much harder, and I feel much less powerful for heals— resto shammy, everything at that same level is much easier.


if someone drops rlly low you gotta pop the rest of your hots before you regrowth spam. lifebloom, rejuv, efflo, even cen ward

just a swiftmend - natures swiftness regrowth usually full tops or comes close to it but you cant do it whenever


My main ehaler is a prevoker. And yeah it’s really nice.

In PvE content? Resto Druid is quite good in raid (it’s your best source of Mark of the Wild, what with the other three specs being a little on the weaker side of things) and it’s downright excellent in M+, alongside the likes of HPal and RSham.

The whole point of Resto Druid is HoTs.

If big direct heals is more your playstyle, I recommend a Holy Priest or Resto Shaman.


Rdruid is a proactive healer, similar to disc. If you aren’t ramping for predictable damage, you may fall behind. If that playstyle doesn’t appeal to you, you may want to try rsham or hpriest–they’re more reactive healers. Maybe mw and hpal, too? I don’t know enough about them.

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If they like to dps to heal, yes.

I never casted Regrowth sinse legion. The only way im gonna use it is if its free from Nature or the free tree transform

Druid is a HoT healer, it’s super fun actually, do some homework and stick with it.

Good luck!

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