Is it just me, or does classes in SL still look awful?

It’s because they’re not adding anything new

We’re going into an expansion with classes built around the azerite system, and those classes are losing that system. Gaining no new talents, no new spells, and maybe some traits made into talents

So even if you’re one of the lucky ones to get a trait talent, it’s not new. It’s reused from BFA to prop your class up in Shadowlands

The issue is Blizzard stopped being creative with classes, and is only putting that effort towards outside systems that are temporary, and go away every expansion. So it leaves the classes feeling hollow and like they’re not the focal point of the game (because they’re not)


Temporary power is not a solution its a bandaid lmao

Easy solution, make guilds matter. Guilds and social interactions are the point of an mmo, we could literally be playing clash of clans and still have fun with friends , community alone still makes that game astronomical amounts of dosh.

The only financially viable solution for blizzard is to abandon player first and start thinking PLAYERS first.

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I hope they get rid of all my skills and just replace them with a kill button, lol.

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ooh, i hope they let us buy skins for it! I can’t be caught using the same kill button as everyone else, how would anyone know how quirky I am? How DIFFERENT i am

Guilds aren’t a solution to the masses expecting new abilities to play with every new expansion while also expecting button bloat to remain managed. You may as well have brought up horrific visions or war mode in this conversation; they’re not related.

Priest. All 3 priest specs need work


Point being that designing two abilities per covenant isn’t to the exclusion of tuning class abilities.

Their work is ongoing. Keep giving feedback and asking for change, but don’t assume that the reason your suggestions haven’t been patched in yet is because of borrowed power.

It’s like insinuating that the reason Torghast doesn’t have X change is because they’re working on the barber shop. It’s a little asinine, if I’m honest.

Priests have been giving feedback for years, especially about shadow. Blizzard hasnt even said a word


Ditto on Guardian. We’ve been begging Blizzard to reverse the gutting we received at the start of BfA, for 2 years now, and not even a peep out of them.

In fact, we’re getting heavily nerfed in Shadowlands.

In today’s news, they announced that Resto Druids will be able to use the previously Guardian-only bear skins from Legion. So at least people will still be able to see those skins around after there are no more Guardian Druids.


I agree, I wish they made more reworks. For example, ret paladin remains pretty much the same. I only see situational improvements. I wish combat was reworked.

Same with hunter. Volley is nice, but there was a ton of feedback about old survival.

Overall there was a strong feedback that people liked MoP class design. I hoped that great unpruning meant exactly that.

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That shows me how little you know about game design, why did you bother writing your opinion again?

New abilities are exciting because they allow new INTERACTIONS with the world. Encouraging (positive) player to player interaction through promoting guild participation will inherently change how players view your world and what they value.

Maybe they’d never touch WoD worlds with a 20ft pole, but suddenly a new cute guildie joins and needs some transmog from a WoD dungeon, suddenly player A is VERY interested in doing that content.

You get my point?

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So many specs and talents are hallowed out and useless because of constantly adding and removing borrowed power they could spend the next few expansions just fixing them rather than adding anything.


Some specs look great. Some look trash. Kinda sad that specs like Ret get ignored and stuff like Fire Mages get patted on the head.

pushing a kill button is too much work. They should just add a kill aura that kills anything within 10 yards. :crazy_face:

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I still remember that Mage thread titled “Blizz you stupid idiots!” getting attention from the devs. No other classes could pull that off.

TBH when I play retail, I miss Shadowlands Feral. Retail Bloodtalons feels so bad when it’s compared to Shadowlands Bloodtalons.

They’ve really done a great job at listening and developing. They are listening and actively communicating with us. On the alpha thread for druids, we asked for Bloodtalons to not require Bite, so they changed it. We asked for Survival Instincts back, and this week, I opened Shadowlands to find Survival Instincts on my bar.

I truly believe they are doing their best and listening to all of the feedback we are giving them. Just keep communicating. To those on alpha: Really keep communicating. They’re actually taking it and going with it.


No, absolutely not. This still has nothing in the world to do with using borrowed power to add new abilities while managing button bloat. Guild emphasis isn’t a substitution for new abilities. Post in another thread if you’d like to discuss a different topic.

i really want them to fix up warlock. it just seems depressing how horribly slow it is.

Except for Guardian, which they’ve gone out of their way to avoid even mentioning.

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As a Mythic-raiding Feral main who is currently on the alpha and loving it, please do explain how it looks unpromising! I love to hear critique, and I can even pass it along where critique will be heard. :~)

I have noticed that.

Given how hard they’re trying to take feedback and make the right changes (that’s indisputable–feedback for change ideas posted on the alpha forums has been almost immediately reflected in-game), I believe there is a reason for that. It’s strange that they would be so vocal with every other spec, but be suspiciously silent on Guardian. Like with how worgen haven’t been playable for over a month, lol. They’re making large changes.