Is it harder to stick to a main with the constant "reworks"?

Has Dragonflight Expansion been a bit harder to stick to your mains, due to the constant reworks that blizzard does , making your favorite spec good to horrible

Resto Druid comes to mind as does Disc priest

Certain specs have looked rather drab relative to the reworked ret and augmentation specialization.


No, I’ve always played every class until geared, then I get bored and quit.


I do think that they see people reach a point of “doneness” with gear alongside a decrease in activity on that char and that may be why it has been difficult and/or time-consuming to be “done” for a while.

Def fun to try new specs/builds, though. Mix it up.

Just another reason to make class overhaul/modernization an active project instead of introducing new classes to the game. A lot of new tech exists but some classes still have the same dysfunctional design since BFA.


Missing aff (haven’t played it since wod).

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And then you have more than a few that are split hair away from feeling the same combat wise.

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Yeah. Especially in PvE, and even more so in regards to bringing something to the table. Have been pushing content and lately it just feels like my spec choice boils down to whatever parses the best. Yes that’s WoW in a nutshell, but lately it’s felt a little off to me. Idk.

Edit: back in the day, it was destro for the clutch shadowfuries, demo for the team damage amp, and affliction for the raw immense damage output and cleave.

Now I’m just selecting which spec has the most unique rotation it seems, but the actual damage profile feels a little homogenized. You either 1.) Pick ST damage build or 2.) Pick cleave build or 3.) Pick a build with a little of both. Not much else to consider.

The reworks have seemed to be working out very well for the ones it has affected so far honestly

Would be cool if I could queue for rating with different specs without messing up the rating I’m pushing

It becomes open season for Alts when they bring in the conquest boxes and uncapped conquest. I find it to be too much to keep up with in the beginning of the season to gear and push multiple things. By this point in the season, mains are geared out and pushed to a point where there is a surplus of conquest which makes an alt a fun weekend project instead of an entire second stream of things to keep up with weekly.

No rework is making me swap my main

Unless it legit 1taps ppl 10.5 ret

I already play a little of everything, but it does make me hope war gets a pass over its trees at some point so it’s less “here’s all the SL conduits”

also looking forward to rogue’s update at some point

I also think these forums have ruined the word rework for me at this point


Hey man my btag is StR8KiLLAs#1750 im ready when you are

Regardless of how good your main spec is, assuming it isn’t F tier, I think playing what you enjoy the most is best in the long term [e.g., not swapping mains every tuning pass].

Especially if you aren’t a great multi-classer, you’re ultimately going to end up being decent with 10 specs vs really good with a single spec if constantly rerolling to fotm.

Alt-wise though, going with fotm is kind of a no brainer if you don’t have any specific spec you want to play.

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Ya sticking to main spec can be frustrating when its considered among the worst, but on the bright side noone can call you fotm and it feels rewarding making it work sometimes.
I try to not let the meta determine what spec i play, but im not really hyper focused on climbing as high rating as i possibly can.

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Yeah and on top of this, you own extra hard when your spec becomes meta again.

sticking to main is easy friend. u just. stick with it.

havent you heard that the like 3 talent changes for arms was the rework?
thats what i get told when i bring up arms needing a dmg profile shift in the form of a rework

I think having account bound, general rewards for 2100+ makes it much harder to stick to a main than the balancing issues.

While the balancing issues are frustrating, you’d be more likely to stick to that class/spec if you got something unique for doing so.

My time is more valuable to me than it was 5, 10, 15 years ago, so if I can put in 1/5th the effort on a Demo Lock* to unlock an account wide Enchants and Mounts, why bother with something else?

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