Is it bad to like the game as a new-ish player?

Yeah, I mean what with having to delay it, it still being a total mess. Being locked into covenants for weeks at a time and having pretty much no class re-works.

Looks great huh.

This is a terrible suggestion. People don’t complain because they hate the game, if they did they would just quit, they complain because they love it and want to see it better, not worse. Telling people to quit just because they’re unhappy at something is very harmful to the game, the game needs more players, not less.


Keep in mind, the people that enjoy the game are actually playing the game. Most of the people that post in the forums are upset about something, so they aren’t at all representative of the actual player base’s feelings.

  1. You’re locked for a single week, and they even said just for one day I believe
  2. We’ve had many class reworks, and a lot of classes are a lot more fun

Do you even play the game? I’ve been playing for less than 2 months and I still know more than you

Don’t read the forums. Too many trolls (both literally and figuratively lol). Of course its not bad to enjoy the game, it’s literally what games are for! So glad there are still newbies coming in that are having fun!

It’s okay to like the game. Some people get mad people they know others will pay a 6 month sub because we know we will still be playing.

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Like what you like and dislike what you dislike. If you let other people form opinions for you, you would seem bipolar on any topic.

Just do you man. Its all good.

That can be fixed easily. The content on the other hand can’t.

So I jumped ship when Classic launched, and have only just returned to Retail this week. I can safely say, I have “that” feeling back!

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Don’t ever take the forums too serious, most people come here to complain, not talk about the good times they do have. It’s fine to enjoy it as a new player, that’s great! I wish my friends would enjoy WoW as much as I have for the last 10+ years lol

Stay away from these forums unless you’re looking for updates or blue posts. The class forums will make you hate your class. The General Discussion will make you hate most of the wow populace. There are better places for a WoW forum experience with good information and a more positive userbase that’s not screaming to get dev attention. Even the subreddit is better than what you’ll see here on a daily basis.

As someone whose trying desperatly to get the 600 quests she needs to achieve Mentor Status, I Highly advise you to stay as far away from the forums as you can, At least until you’ve played the game for a year and you’re familiar enough with it’s contents to form a firm opinion of things for yourself.

You have to understand that the forums are less for new players, and used moreso by veterans that are either currently bored with the game, or just have something to complain about - most of the time it’s not really anything worth caring about… but with how malleable new players are, it’s a dangerous place to be at such a young stage.

In short, enjoy the game, don’t worry about what other people think, and just have fun. <3

Yeah because I just unlocked Kul Tirans for the first time, I have a level 50 mage that I just got there a week ago

but keep on insulting the newbie, I assume you also kick small dogs and take candy from children?

oh damn just saw you’re a death knight, nevermind, you fit in

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See? you’ve already been exposed to an argument… run dude, the forums aren’t worth it.

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Avoiding the forums and trade chat are the best way to experience the game.

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obvious bait post, can we login yet


Yeah someone decided insulting a new player would make them feel better about themselves

but they are playing a DK with accents in their name they don’t know how to pronounce, reminds me of Modern Warfare 2 days on the Xbox 360.

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The forums represent a tiny part of the community. Under 1%. GD is a breeding ground for trolls and players that hate the game but remain subbed.

Don’t take it seriously.


Do ignore the Forums, a lot of people come here to whinge.

Welcome to WoW! I’m glad you enjoy it. :slight_smile: I’ve been playing for a long time and I still utterly love it. :seedling:


How is it bait?