Is inferno's blessing bugged?

Can any other augvokers list their percentage of damage done by Inferno’s Blessing? Because I’m routinely seeing this talent is roughly around 1% of my overall damage for being so far down in the tree.

The talent itself states: “Fire Breath grants the inferno’s blessing for 8 sec to you and your allies affected by Ebon Might, giving their damaging attacks and spells a high chance to deal an additional [$INT * 0.88 * (1 + Versatility) * 1] Fire damage.”

But I’ve found this is not the case at all. What are all you evokers seeing on your logs? Am I just crazy for thinking this should be more? Maybe the proc chance is extremely lowered in pvp as well. But even doing pve fights its still around one percent overall. In very rare cases I’ll see it go up to maybe two percent.

Now bear in mind that my ebon might uptime is usually around the high forty percent marks. And my inferno buff is up roughly 20% of the time. Maybe I’m just overreacting or overthinking the situation.

I avoid aug like the plague unless it’s needed so I haven’t had to play it this season.

That said, I believe it was ~6.5-7% of my damage last season, so it sounds like something is up.

Make sure it’s not just a reattribution issue for the damage though–it could still be happening, but not giving you credit.

Obviously either way it’s annoying, but at least if it’s a reattribution issue the damage is still happening.

This seems pretty low and may very well be the reason that you’re seeing this low of a %. The percentage I discuss above was based on me having between 70 and 90%ish uptimes (between dungeon and raid, obviously).

I’m sure that this abysmal uptime is evidence you’re fire breathing outside of ebon might and buffing literally nobody but yourself

So, I was actually just messing around on the PvP dummy and only using Fire Breath during ebon might. Maybe my haste isn’t as high as it should be. I am in 95% epic pvp gear. But also when I refer to uptime, I may be confusing which aura I’m looking at in my details. It shows a self-buff Ebon might and separate aura buff Ebon Might by itself.

The self-buff has near 90% uptime. I’m not entirely sure which is which in the logs though.

Your uptime will be the same for both buffs when you aren’t messing around on target dummies. All that means is that there were times that it didn’t go onto someone else (no one in range, no one your faction, etc).

40% even 48% seems abysmally low.

Inferno’s Blessing was doing between 3% and 8% for me last night.

Inferno’s Blessing around 35% uptime

There are times where Ebon Might lasts so long it’s still up when I cast it again. I feel like if my gear was better optimized for Aug (right now I do M+ Dev and Raid Aug) I could likely keep Ebon Might near 100%

48% in raid is even worse than I thought. You’re doing some drastically wrong that is not gear related.

I think you might have misunderstood or misread something friend, are you talking about the uptime for Inferno’s Blessing or the uptime on Ebon Might?

Inferno’s Blessing even if Fire Breath was a 20 second CD every single time and you casted it perfectly every time would be a 40% uptime absolute max.

I was agreeing that Ebon Might uptime should be high, really high - so much so that I said I feel like 100% is possible with the right gear.