Is Hyperfarming an actual thing?

Question, looking for answer!

My wife and I were trying this out the other day. I'm a 372 Guardian Tank, so I can handle a lot of damage but we never seemed to get any of the zones to start spawning in mass numbers...

Does hyperfarming really work?
Yeah, but it's not always easy to see at level.

I've had to go back and farm mobs for X before though, where I could one-shot them. You get into a thing where you kill them so fast they just keep respawning instantly... but.. you gotta be able to really reach and kill everything in that area to do that.
11/14/2018 10:07 PMPosted by Duskz
Question, looking for answer!

My wife and I were trying this out the other day. I'm a 372 Guardian Tank, so I can handle a lot of damage but we never seemed to get any of the zones to start spawning in mass numbers...

Does hyperfarming really work?

When world quests are up in a specific area, spawn rates tend to be almost instant. Many farmers memorize what's what, and farm the specific area for the duration of the world quest.

Besides the above, several 'farming' spots have already seen silent nerfs.

No idea what the last poster was trying to communicate.
I saw mainly Horde doing this, earlier in BFA in weird areas like Dustavar (sp?)

They'd be in the areas that spawned mobs very fast, killing them quick (maybe 6 or so Horde together.)

Is hyperfarming a bannable offense? Is it taking advantage of the game? I want to know for sure before I start doing it.

why would killing mobs be bannable?

They tend to just hotfix areas that get out of control due to them farming like that. Far as I know it’s not bannable and people have been doing it for years.

They just nerf the spots once they find out.