Is Horde RP dying out?

The negative emotions of a Death Knight (at least the 3rd generation) are enhanced while their positive emotions are muted, this was intentional on the part of the Lich King (Arthas) because he wanted them ready to die to assault Light’s Hope.

Part of this came from their unusual bond with the Runeblades, whereas previous generations required, to varying degrees, a weapon that their soul was bound inextricably to, much like a Lich and their Phylactery. 3rd Generation Death Knights had their souls bound to their body, but required to carve Runes of Power (later we’d learn these were Runes of Domination) into whatever weapon they were using to feed their ‘Urge’ to kill and cause pain, which twisted both their souls and marked the souls of those they killed so as to be funnelled directly to the Jailer in the Shadowlands.

With Arthas gone, and with the Jailer gone, if 3rd Generation Death Knights still possess this flaw is unknown. Its likely the 5th and 6th Generations of Death Knights (Those raised during the Legion expansion and those raised directly by Bolvar immediately before the Shadowlands Expansion) would even have those flaws as Bolvar needed them to be focused and willing to work with him and not be driven into bouts of intelligence-eroding berserker fury if they hadn’t tortured somebody to death in a while.

Diminished capacity for something doesn’t mean gone, it just means lessened. Even for the 3rd Generation, a nearby book in the old starting area listed several NPC Death Knights who either had rebelled or had been deemed ‘failures’ because they retained too much positive emotion and were deemed a threat to Arthas’s plan for their generation.

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Maybe if yall stop posting on the forum and log in then this question would stop resurfacing every other week.


Replying in general, here.

Guilds are tough everywhere these days. Well, they have been for about 4-5 years now - about the time a lot of RPers finished college and got jobs and families. It sucks to work on a theme, recruit, set up your Discord, plan out your guild events and then have people just simply not show up. That’s been happening on the regular since…at least the beginning of BFA.

There tend to be a few standard guild types: race/class, adventure, military/nautical, criminal or running a restaurant/tavern. There are a few break out ones like Tirisfal Theater with a more unusual theme, but not many. Even if you find a theme you like, there’s always a chance you’re going to run into a clique where the guild invites you but then never interacts. I’ve had that on WrA before - and on both MG and Classic as recently as last year. I tend to refuse to go to a guild that requires an application. If someone can’t tell by my TRP that I can write, and they need the theater of having me actually check boxes to state I’m agreeing to the same guild rules as just about everyone else’s so I can join a guild that only logs on for events, then I’m just as happy to make myself a vanity guild and RP with friends in other guilds.

Discord servers are overrated. I belong to WCP and one for MG RP. WCP chats too much for me to bother doing anything but glancing at events. Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled it’s active. But I don’t have time to sit in that Discord and all the others I’m in and read up on everything. It does make one feel like an outsider to the group who is keeping a running commentary. I don’t bother with event servers - I feel like those should be for staff only unless they have an announcement channel. The forums used to have a similar feel. Before it slowed down and people moved to posting on the MG forums, it was hard to keep up.

I’m not sure who’s left on WrA who’s played here forever. I couldn’t tell you who the oldest guild is anymore (I’m not sure I ever could tbh). Many, if not most, of the established Alliance guilds shifted to MG. Others quietly hung up their skates and went home. I ignore the “10+ years of RP experience” type comments in someone’s TRP. It means literally nothing to me. I’m more interested in if the character sounds amusing.

As far as characters outside of the stereotype, people openly do that on WrA. There are also people who RP their DK as not a DK, or the paladin as not a paladin, because they separate their gameplay from their RP. There are always exceptions to the rules and I don’t think there are guilds here who are going to be upset because a vulpera wants to be a dentist, if you know what I mean.

And as far as lore, we didn’t even follow lore when we were following lore because lore changed or because someone had a neat concept they wanted to try. Or because someone got it in their head that dwarves didn’t hang out with humans, for example. We’ve had private kingdoms pop up on WrA. We had one in Hearthglen. We had one in the Gilnean looking town in…Swamp of Sorrows? We had one in Tyr’s Hand. We’ve had people RP completely different genres on WrA so they’re Warhammer or some kind of other concept. We don’t have those now because so many people left.

As far as comparisons between WrA and MG, it’s been the same crowd for at least 2 expacs now, with people defecting from one to the other. There are also people who’ve played both for years. I made a Kirsy named placeholder character on MG back in LK and if I logged onto it, people recognized me from WrA. It’s just moreso right now that WrA Alliance defected in droves once the “WrA is for Horde” comments started flying. On a typical WrA evening in SW, there are 8-12 RPers. That’s it. It’s been like that for about a solid year. I thought we might be able to bring back some of the RP from MG, but I 100% do not see that happening.

I will say that MG had 2 things that WrA didn’t: 1. They allowed anything without much commentary. There was a human woman RPer who was Queen of Ironforge for awhile and no one gave her flak for it. That wouldn’t have flown on WrA. 2. They had server lore that created a pecking order for things such as the clergy. That also didn’t fly on WrA. But now that so many people have defected to MG Alliance, I don’t see them talk about their server lore so much. It would just be too much to try to enforce.

This would also be a good place to touch on the fact that there’s a private WoW server out there that a lot of people are playing on that has also pulled a lot of RPers off this server. It’s been going for a few years now. It’s nothing I’m interested in because I feel like being able to create your own zones is a bit too lore bendy for me.

As far as Horde RP, we have far less guilds than we had at the beginning of BFA, but I don’t think we’ve recently taken any significant losses. SL killed off a lot of interest in WoW and some people are bored with the current expac. There are still Horde guilds that are recruiting and active, but it’s a smaller but steady crowd mostly due to aging of the game and the players.


Thank you for the reply! Really appreciate you taking the time to put a lot of detail into your response. Certainly gives me something to think about as well.

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There’s so much I want to like in this post, but my brain is working on something else at the moment. Suffice - this is an excellent post and sums up many of my thoughts.

I’ve been pretty adamant over the years about WRA and MG not merging, but honestly I would not care anymore if they did. Aside from Valdrakken (because it’s the expac capital city), much of my worldly travels result in a vast Azeroth full of empty silence. I do not like this empty version of WRA. It just reminds me of what used to be and is no longer.

The vibe that kept me here only exists in tiny amounts at this point. It was bound to happen. Life moves on. So, if they merged us with MG? Just let me keep the names I have, somehow. Otherwise, merge them and get it over with already.


honestly a merge wouldnt make much of a difference

Our SW is empty, and their Org is empty. We merge and theres ppl in SW and slightly more in Org.

Duskwood might get more foot traffic though

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Of course!

I appreciate you being as communicative here. The big thing I want to emphasize is there’s not a bash against WRA. I really enjoyed my time on this server, and if I could ever go into longer term campaigns, I’d come back here (or move from the East Cost to West Coast).

Thanks for just being so awesome and solution-oriented.

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Not gonna reply directly as I don’t want it to come off as an attack, but my point was proven with the lore thing. “Well here’s the death knight lore and-”
(which is true, it’s very real lore. I just, don’t rp my DK like that, and the why can’t I isn’t a lore question)

Once again, not the person in the forums and not always about the DK, but I’ve had to many times where my “If you want to, sure” legit bothered the person I was rp with, and instead of just letting me walk away, it had to be corrected. That’s just weird. If you think someone is rp wrong just leave it alone? I’ve seen some rp that I don’t like, and I just don’t rp with those people? Why does it have to be corrected or clarified? Just don’t rp with whoever if you don’t like it?
(but there’s a much deeper topic for this post as I’ve noticed in pve too, where people feel they have to play with people they don’t like, even when there’s plenty of other options. It is an mmo after all.)

But this can factor into a bigger problem, not everyone is lore lawyers when they do this, but when it feels every single time it’s mentioned, someone has something to say about it, it becomes unwelcoming. That you either have to fit in or not. Small actions, even when not intending to be mean, can just annoy a person away from playing. (something else I know from many aspects in the game not just rp)

And maybe I would be okay if WRA felt more community, and maybe I was just on the outs already, but you see posts like this right over posts that is “Is Horde RP making a come back?” or something like that. Clearly some people are having a great time and others are not. I’m just sharing my personal feelings on it as someone who still plays on wra, even hosts a monthly event, does try to push other rp events, and still looks for an rp guild, only to keep getting the short end of the stick (IMO). MG isn’t perfect, but it’s just been easier to deal with.

But, once again, my opinion and my experience. blah blah.

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Reading some of the replies here (and there are many good ones) has kind of made me realize how much I have entered “do my own thing” mode in terms of WoW gameplay and RP.

Maybe that’s also indicative of how little attention I actually paid to the server and how active hubs like Stormwind or Orgrimmar factored into the RP I have always done. Because I can’t say I relate to the feeling that the world feels emptier or quieter. I fly around and I still see people, but then again I’ve also never—at any point in the time when I’ve been RPing in WoW—RPed with a solid, consistent community that wasn’t a guild. So, I think it’s reasonable to say that I have less reason to see these things or be concerned than others, and I don’t want my words here to come off as dismissive of peoples’ entirely valid experiences and concerns.

Because I also have my opinions about some of the topics that keep cropping up here (server mergers and the like) which I’ve already expressed in other threads, but honestly, I think where I find myself leaning more and more these days is just being open to things and maintaining a positive mindset (I promise I am not trying to preach to anyone, I may main a priest but I swear I’m not a narc).

I’ve always enjoyed a very specific flavor of RP which can be a little more difficult to find, but in 2023, I resolved to try my hardest to find it. And I can say without any hesitation that the past year of RPing on WRA Horde has been the best year of RP I’ve had since Legion and BFA, when there were all sorts of new guilds cropping up that played into the story of the Fourth War. Say what you will about the expansion itself, but I can’t lie: I remember it fondly. It led to a ton of great RP and development for my characters and the characters of people I RPed with at the time.

I think if I can offer anything to this conversation, it’s just the simple encouragement that even if you think the best days are past, it doesn’t mean that they surely are. It doesn’t have to stay that way. There is always hope.


I think this thread had just kind of spiralled out into some animosity and hard feelings.

I think we should move forward, making sure to have fun and do the fun things we love for the game. :heart_hands:

Let’s move on and let this thread die.

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its like every other week some snotball from MG comes and goes “Gee, Moonguard is great! I dont know why ANYONE would play on WYRMREST”




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All I can say from my own limited experience is that WrA threads are much more interesting, entertaining, engaging, creatively thought provoking… I can go on and on and on. I mean, all anyone has to do is go scour the MG forum and you get all kinds of stuff. We had a recent thread over there that took up 112 (last I checked) replies about AI-RP. Lol.


100+ replies about an AI-RP warning in an mmorpg/video game. :rofl:


I’m going back to decorate my new hermit cave in Loch Modan.



[Ion Hazzikostas kicks open the door]

SyLvAnAs WiNdRuNnEr Is MoRaLlY gReY.

It’s either The Watch made by Soulsinger or Gnomeregan Forever. I’m willing to put money on that.

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This post came into my house and punched me in the throat.

If we’re talking Guild that’s still existing in any meaningful way, I do think it has to be Gnomeregan Forever.

We should figure this out and start celebrating the Guilds that are still upright and breathing after a trifecta of gut-punch expansions back to back.

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