Yeah… that post made so much sense.
If that was the case, they would have simply banned multiboxing as a whole. They did not. In the future they might if it turns out the issue they wanted to address is not resolved.
But, in this case where they were so specific as to only state software input broadcasting is against the rules, it’s intentional. Blizzard aren’t stupid. If they intended to ban hardware boxing as well, they would have.
Multiboxing wasn’t banned because it didn’t break Blizzard’s policy on keystrokes… technically…
I mean you can make all the assumptions you want I guess.
“no other restrictions have been announced regarding hardware” means it’s OK.
I have been using hardware with 20 PCs (Personal Computers) all connected to one keyboard/mouse with a USB KVM Synchronous Switch. I have been doing this since about the middle of November 2020 and also live stream. I go to where the most players I know are, Orgrimmar and Eastern Plaguelands. I also live stream while doing it. Since the middle of November I have not received any warning or suspension. The point being, it’s ALLOWED. The NeverBoxers don’t want to hear that but check out the PreparedWoW live stream if you would like to see 20 boxing with hardware legitimately.