Is growl working anymore

My 610 survival hunter’s pet just cannot get the attention of anything if I do any damage myself. The log shows he is using growl. Is something not right with growl? I


Still appears to work for me - however I can’t toggle any skills in the pet bar. They have to be placed in another action bar for me to enable/disable.


Toggles are definitely busted. My pets regular toggled abilities are working but I’m having to manually hit growl.


Came to the forums for the same reason. Auto growl toggle seems to be broken.


I was having trouble too, but I found a work around.

Open your spellbook and toggle the auto growl from there! I clicked mine on and off a couple times, then the auto stayed on.


Thank you! That worked for me as well!

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Yes, none of my pets are holding aggro at all. Growl is on, but its not taunting correctly.


Had to turn on/off in the spellbook now. Probably a bug that will be fixed at some point.

Same Clefthoof tank as before patch, and growl is toggled on. Misdirect pull with growl on will NOT hold aggro on more than one mob reliably.

I am dying more, because I refuse to single pull. My gear is high enough to get through most of it (i628), but anecdotally, it does seem like threat numbers are not right . Feigning on CD and kiting help a lot, but can be tricky since the mobs are so closely packed together.

It’s reminds me of the old classic spots where hunter damage/gear passed pet ability to hold aggro for a level here and there.

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I swear the devs stuff hunters (mostly the pets) up each patch in some way or the other. I did a delv today and was wondering why my pet was pulling off the tank only to see growl was turned on and i couldnt toggle it off. The tank got a bit pissed at me until i told him i coukd turn growl off

Ironically my pets cant hold agrro very well in the new zone. They also feels as weak as they were at the start of tww where there agrro didnt work correctly

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Adding myself to the list of broken pet toggles.

fix pet’s growl please

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It seems to me to work for just a few seconds and then it stops. My pets can no longer hold ago and that is with me not attacking. I can send them into a group and do nothing and then several peal off and attack me ;P. Granted it has been a while since I played hunter but I don’t remember it being like this ;(

Growl has been broken for far longer than I can actually remember and it’s been getting worse. I know blizz implemented a “safety feature” that turns it off in dungeons, but when you turn it on, it doesn’t work, everything just ignores it. This makes it really difficult because Misdirect is also so busted that you’ll strip the agro right off your pet and if you reapply it, the mobs/bosses ignore that too.

It’s slowly been creeping into open world content too, random mobs will just ignore growl, even if you apply it manually.

They (thankfully?) fixed the issue of not being able to turn growl on if it was turned off, but as of yet have completely ignored everything else that has been broken since (I think) WoD or Legion.

But hey, we got a $90 auction mount, so that’s something right?