Will we have the option to stay in classic era instead of moving to burning crusade? I’m rather new so not sure how they handle this kind of thing. TY!
You will most likely be going to TBC.
If you are new like you said, then you are going to want to experience tbc and wrath. The game gets better then
NO, it is NOT
They haven’t said that they are going to offer transfers to Classic Era before moving on to TBC.
Your best bet if you want to play on Era is to just play on Era.
As much as I love the hustle and bustle of the Anni servers, this seems to be the way. I started an Era character in these final days of my sub since Blizz refuses to tell us anything about the future of the Anni servers. It’s a lot quieter, but I know where my character is staying.
Thanks. Someone in game told me it would be optional and we could clone to classic servers when the expansion came out because they did that before. But I didn’t see anything confirmed and wanted to ask the forums opinion
you can choose not to cross the dark portal…
I assume they will offer you to stay or clone.
By doing so, they keep the Vanilla Era servers vibrant, but do expect to lose Dual Spec.
Who knows, but the official wording was:
There is no mention of not progressing, so the obvious answer is, there will be no option to stay.
Who knows though? Maybe they will allow some sort of anniversary era realms (with dual spec). Or have a way to go from Vanilla Azeroth to TBC through Anniversary HC realms going forward, since there’s also no mention of what will happen there, but they leave out the Anniversary HC realm from progressing to TBC. So, what happens if you die after the fact? That’s an interesting situation. Vanilla HC to TBC Normal server?
There are some differences in how Anniversary and Era servers work, and of course dual spec doesn’t exist in Era.
We also don’t know what’s going to happen to SoD characters or what happens when TBC content dries up.