Is Fury really this bad in PvP?

Hi everyone. Last season was my first real season of Arenas. I studied guides, played hundreds of matches, got my rotation down, tracked CDs and DRs, understood priority targets and avoided blowing my offensives on a target with defensives up, studied positioning, etc. I started early on my Fury Warrior and had no problem reaching 1800 even before inflation really started to kick in. Currently I have all Conquest gear except a couple crafted pieces, am fully gemmed and enchanted, etc.

This season feels awful. I don’t think I got worse at the game. Is it just me? Is it true that Fury is really as bad as everyone says it is compared to Arms? I am getting my face melted in by Rets and DHs, and I am making sure to save my defensives for their offensive CDs and using the Disarm talent. Am I better off swapping to Arms?


“Is it just me? Is it true that Fury is really as bad as everyone says it is compared to Arms?”

No, it’s pretty bad. If you were being generous, it’s maybe a C- to C. Probably really more of a D+ spec right now. Arms is better but even feels lackluster. Warrior, especially Fury, needs a serious rework to bring it into the modern WoW era.

Fury lacks utility and mobility and even its sustain damage is pretty garbage right now and not cutting it. Enraged Regen needs to be made part of Anger management(reduced cooldown), defensive stance needs to be reverted back to what is was before nerf, bloodlust needs to be a baseline ability(especially since they took away bladestorm), and it just needs to hit harder. The spec doesn’t offer utility or really any versatility at all
so it pretty much only has pressure and hard hitting to rely on…and that’s not even there. There’s a lot of issues right now.

Fury is supposed to play like a beserker, constant pressure and high sustain. The overall sustain damage just isn’t there and despite what anybody says, it just sucks at sticking to the target. People get angry when Fury is on-point because they say it’s a dumb ape spec, but it just doesn’t have enough mobility right now to stick to the target.

It’s a “dumb ape spec” but then nothing has been done to fully flesh it out and make it more in depth. It feels like an unfinished spec that was left on the design table. Like they fleshed out a proto-spec and then left it at 60% completion. It feels much less defined and well-rounded compared to arms.


If you’re even remotely serious about pvp as a warrior you need to learn arms. It has been the predominant warrior pvp spec for the vast majority of this game. Fury sees a hot minute every once in awhile at best. Learn to play arms in pvp or deal with it.


It’s fun enough as an alt spec but the list of things it needs to be picked at least equal to arms is rather long.

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