Is Forge a Pact bugged?

I talk to Lady Vinazian to choose a pact with the Vizier but nothing happens when I choose.

Edit: moved to bug report since it seems lots of people are having this problem.


No issues here I talked to person clicked accept then selected The General then talked to the guy right of the quest person to see inventory.

same here, nothing happens after I select “Aid the weaver” and press Okay. Nothing happens. Tried disabling all addons too.

I’m not even able to select one. They’re all greyed out for me. Editing to add that I tried on an alt, accepted the weekly quest and I was able to choose one but when clicking the final okay nothing happens.

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Tried forging with the general this week, click ok and nothing happens. Tried several times, disabling addons and totally relogging and nothing worked.

I’m having the same problem.

Same problem here

I expect all you fine folks to have this worked out by the time I get home from work today :slight_smile:

Also having this problem. Not sure what’s going on.

Went to accept Forge a Pact from Lady Vinazian, and no matter who I pick; the Weaver, the General or the Vizier.

Turned off all addons, did a /reload as well shut down and relogged still not being able to accept any of the choices.

Same issue with me. Here I was thankful the world quest fixed Scarab Scouting to now find this click proof quest.

Well, at least that’s a difference from the last time choosing a weekly bugged out and you could only choose Time Rifts and Zaralek Caverns. :face_vomiting:

Editing to add: I could get through the entire stupid sequence if I chose the Vizier, who I didn’t want. This guy really is turning into the “Zaralek Caverns and Time Rifts” option, isn’t he?

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Having the same problem. I pick a pact, it does the ‘are you sure’ thing, I click yes, nothing happens. Tried different characters, different realms, different shards…

Having the same problem. Cannot progress.

Edit: I was able to select “The Weaver” and progress, however they are NOT the NPC I was looking to bind with for the week, the other 2 did not work :frowning:

Is it possible it is warbound? I had the same issue on an alt but was able to select The General which was the same choice I made on my main.

having same problem cannot pick the general that i want, nothing happens when selecting it

Same problem here of being unable to choose pact.

Same here. Tried it on my main and 2 alts. I chose General last week, and wanted to swap to Vizier this week. I hit Vizier, and nothing happens.

My guildie was able to choose his Pact, but he kept the same pact as last week. Maybe it’s bugged and somehow is tied to previous selection?

I wanted to go the General but i tried sevelal times and it did not work. I then chose weaver and it worked. Now i have a pact with the one i did not want to chose. Thanks Bliz

The bug lets you choose only whoever you chose last week. I haven’t talked to anyone who didn’t choose an NPC last week, though; for them, I assume they can select any of the three.